T a b . V I I .
PELLIA. — Plant ; calyptra witli lower p a rt of the pedicel ; capsule ; an elater ; portion of
the same ; two spores ; aud two antheridia, of P . cpiphylla, Nees : after Hooker.
BLASIA. — Plants (fertile, male, and gemmiparous) ; end of a frond, showing the calyptra
and capsulo protruding from the apex of the m idrib ; male frond with two antheridia ;
a gemmiparous frond with two receptacles ; a vertical section o f one of the receptacles,
showing the gemmæ enclosed, and the tube through which they issue ; three gemmæ
; four spores and three elaters ; two spores, aud portion of an elater ; capsule dehiscing
; vertical section o f the cavity in the end o f the midrib showing tho perianth
and the calypti-a in a young state, of B. pusilla, L. : after Hooker.
METZGEULi. — Plants (fertile, male, and gemmiparous) ; a fertile plant enlarged ; the hispid
calyx w ith the two-lobcd involucral leaf and p a rt of tho pedicel ; forked ends of
the gemmiparous plant ; a gemma ; underside of a portion of the male plant, showing
roundish perigonial leaves covering the antheridia ; an antheridium ; three spores and
two elaters, of M. furcata, Nees : after Hooker.
* ANEUllA. — Plant (portions of male and female) ; a vertical section of the fleshy calyptra,
with the base of tho pedicel ; a portion of the frond, with two elongated deflexed male
receptacles ; one of these receptacles cut transversely, showing the imbedded antheridia
; valves of the capsule bearded by tufts of elaters ; three spores ; one elater, and
portion of the same, of Aneura sessilis, Sprengel ?
FOSSOMBRONIA. — P la n t; and the same enlarged; capsule dehiscing, with pedicel, perianth,
and involucral leaves ; p a rt of the stem, with two leaves and dorsal antheridia ;
an antheridium ; two sporules ; and two elaters, of F. pusilla, Nees : after Hooker.
* GEOCALYX.— P lant ; p a rt of the stem, with the involucre, which is cu t vertically, showing
tbe calyptra and lower p art of the pedicel ; two pairs of leaves, with the amphigastria
; portion of the stem, with one amphigastrium ; four valves of the capsule ; two
elaters ; and three spores, of G. graveolens, Nees.
GRIMALDIA. — Plants (portions of), male and female ; end of a frond showing the paleæ
and lower part of the peduncle ; end of a frond with two male disks ; one of the disks
cu t vertically, showing the imbedded antheridia ; a fertile receptacle ; a vertical section
of the same ; capsule dehiscing by a circumcissile line ; two elaters, and two
spores, of G. barbifrons, Bisch. : after Bischoff.
* CniLOSCYPinJS.—P lant ; portion of the stem, with involucral leaves, perianth, and calyptra
; a pair of leaves with antheridia in their dorsal bases ; an antheridium ; portion
of the stem, with a leaf and an amphigastrium ; capsule with its four valves ; three
spores and two elaters, of C. ascendens, Hooh. Wi^s.
* PLEURANTHE. —P lan t ; the same enlarged ; a portion of the stem, with a pair of leaves
and an amphigastrium ; perianth with involucral leaves and p a rt of the pedicel ; the
same cu t vertically, showing the calyptra ; capsule with its four valves ; five sporas ;
three elaters, and p a rt of an elater, of P. olivácea, ta y l.
* LOPHOCOLEA.— P lant ; portion of the stem, with its leaves and the perianth ; same, with
one leaf having in its dorsal base an antheridium ; the same with three pairs of leaves
and three amphigastria ; one amphigastrium ; one antheridium ; a cross-section near
the m outh of the perianth ; three spores and an elater, of L. heterophylla, Nees.
JUNGERMANNIA. — P lant ; portion of the stem with two pairs of leaves ; branch w ith involucral
leaves and perianth ; an involucral leaf ; calyptra ; capsule with valves
closed ; same with valves spreading ; an elater and two sporules, of J . connivens,
Bichs. : after Hooker.
GYMNOMITRIUM. — Plants ; portion of the stem with three pairs of leaves ; the same with
involucral leaves a t the apex, pedicel, and capsule ; calyptra with base of the pedicel,
the involucral leaves being cut away ; and two involucral leaves, of G. concinna-
tum, Corda: after Hooker.
SARCOSCYPHUS.-P la n t; portion of the same with stem, involucral leaves, and base of
tho pedicel; involucral leaves and perianth opened so as to show the calyptra and
lower p art of pedicel; capsule with its 4 valves; an elater and two sporules, of S.
Ehrharti, Corda: after Hooker.
T a b . V I I I .
SCAPANIA. — Plant ; perianth, enclosing the calyptra and p art of the pedicel, furnished at
the base with involucral leaves ; part of the stem w ith three leaves ; two antheridia ;
capsule open ; an elater aud two spores, of S. undulata, N. ^ M. : after Hooker.
* PLAGIOCIIILA.—P lant ; portion of the stem with five leaves; perianth, enclosing tbe
calyptra and part o f the pedicel ; piece of stem with an amphigastrium and radicles ;
two antheridia ; capsule ; two spores and two elaters, of P. macrostoma, Sulliv.
SPHAGNOECETIS.-P la n t; portion of the stem with four or five pairs of leaves, and a
short b ranch clothed w ith involucral leaves and bearing tho perianth ; an involucral
leaf; the attenuated extremity of a branch, hearing gemmæ a t the apex ; four gemmæ
; capsule ; three spores and two elaters, of S. communis, Nees : after Hooker.
* LEJEUNIA. —P lant ; perianth, with capsule and involucral leaves ; portion o f the pedicel ;
portion of stem with a pair of leaves, an amphigastrium and a male branch ; an antheridium
; a portion of the stem, with two pairs of leaves seen from above ; the same
with two amphigastria viewed from below ; cross-section of the perianth ; two elaters,
and two spores, of L. clypeata, Schweinitz,
* FRULLANIA. — P lant ; portion of the stem, with two pairs of leaves seen from above ; tho
same, with the amphigastria aud auriculæ, viewed from beneath ; perianth and involucral
leaves ; cross-section of the perianth ; an involucral leaf ; capsule; two elaters
and two spores, of F. Grayana, Mont.
* MADOTHECA. — P lant ; portion of the stem, with a pair of leaves and an amphigastrium,
seen from beneath ; portion of the male plant, with four spikeiets of perigonial leaves,
containing antheridia ; a 2-iohed perigonial leaf with its antheridium ; an antheridium
; perianth, with involucral leaves and capsule ; an elater and two spores, of M.
platyphylla, Dumort.
*■ RADÜLA. — Plant ; a branch terminated by tho perianth and capsule, with lateral male
branchlets ; a male branchlet ; an antheridium ; a perianth with two involucral
leaves ; portion of the stem with two pairs of leaves, seen from above ; the same from
below ; a capsule ; an elater and two spores, of R. obconica, Sulliv.
PTILIDIUM. — Plant ; portion of the stem w ith a pair of leaves ; same w ith an amphigastrium;
perianth w ith its involucral leaves; a capsule; an elater and two spores, of
P. ciliaxc, Nees: after Hooker.
MASTIGOBRYUM. — Plant ; portion of the stem with two pairs of leaves, two amphigastria,
and a male spikelet ; portion of a spikeletwith its perigonial leaf ; an antheridium ;
capsule ; four spores and two elaters, of M. trilobatum, Nees: after Hooker, partly.
TRICIIOCOLEA. — Plant ; leaf, amphigastrium, and piece of the stem ; the fleshy involucre ;
a capsule ; two spores and an elater, of T. Tomentella, Nees : after Hooker.
SENDTNERA. P lant ; portion of stem with leaves and amphigastria ; tabular many-cleft
perianth ; capsules ; an elater and three spores of S. juniperina, Nees: after Hooker.
LEPIDOZIA. — Plant ; portion of stem with three leaves and two amphigastria ; a perigonial
leaf enclosing an antheridium ; an antheridium free ; perianth with involucral leaves ;
capsule ; four spores and an elater, of L. reptans, Nees : after Hooker.
CALYPOGEIA. Plants ; portion of stem w ith three leaves and two rooting amphigastria ;
hairy involucre with the lower p art of the pedicel ; the same cu t verticaUy, showing
the calyptra ; capsule with its spiral valves ; an elater and two spores, of C. Tricho-
mams, Corda: after Hooker.