FONTINALIS.—Plant, capsule witti operculum, the same immersed in the perichætial
leaves, peristome (the interior a tessellated cone), operculum, aud calyptra of F. anti-
pyretica, L. : after Schimper.
ANACAMPTODON. — Plant, capsule with operculum, dry capsule w ith peristome, two entire
teeth with a portion of another reflexed and three cilia of the peristome, operculum,
and calyptra of A. splachnoides, Brid. : after Schimper.
* FABRONIA. — Plant, capsule w ith operculum, two teeth of the peristome, operculum, aud
calyptra of F. Ravenelii, SuUiv.
ANTITRICmA. —Plant, capsule with operculum, two teeth and three cilia of tho peristome,
operculum, and calyptra of A. curtipendula, Brid. : after Schimper.
*- LEPTODON. —Plant, capsule with operculum pedicel and pcrichætial leaves, capsule with
operculum and calyptra, and two teeth of the peristome of L. Ohioense, SuUiv.
* PYLAISÆA. — Plant, capsule with operculum, portion of the peristome, and calyptra of P.
intricata, Bryol. Europ.
BRYUM. — Plant, capsule with operculum, portion of the peristome (one tooth, one perforated
ciUum, and three appendiculate cilioloe), and a hermaphrodite flower (consisting
of 2 anthendia, 2 archegonia, and i paraphyses), of B. bimum, Schreb. : after Schimper.
* LEUCODON. — Plant, capsule with operculum pedicel and perichætial leaves, capsule with
operculum and calyptra, three of the perforated teeth of the outer and the annular
membrane of the inner peristome, and operculum, of L. julaceus, Hediv.
T a b . V .
* HOMALOTHEOIUM. — Plant, capsule with operculum and calyptra, three teeth of the outer,
with fragments of the membrane of the inner peristome and a portion o f the annulus,
and operculum, of II. subcapillatum, Bryol. Europ.
PLATYGYRIUM. — Plant, capsule w ith operculum and calyptra, four of the outer with aa
many cilia of the inner peristome and a quarter of the large annulus, and operculum,
of P. repens, Bryol. Europ.: after Schimper.
* CYLINDROTHECIUM. — Plant, capsule with operculum and calyptra, two teeth of the outer
and one cilium of the inner peristome, of C. cladorrhizans, Bryol, Europ.
* MYURELLA. — Plant, two capsules with opercula, two teeth of the outer w ith one cilium
and three ciliolæ of the inner peristome, of M. Careyana, SulUv.
* LESKEA. — Plant, capsule with operculum and calyptra, five entire and three broken teeth
of the exterior and three cilia o f the interior peristome, operculum, a tooth and a cilium
with a portion of its basilar membrane, and a p art of the annulus, of L. obscura.
* CLASMATODON. —Plant, capsule with operculum and calyptra, portion of the single peristome
with p a rt of the annulus, vertical section through the peristome, and two opercula
of 0. parvulus, Hampe.
* CRYPIIÆA. —P lant, a perichaeth enclosing th e capsule w ith its operculum and calyptra,
capsule with operculum partly removed, two teeth of the exterior and three cilia of
the inner peristome w ith a portion of the annulus, two sporules, and calyptra, of C.
glomerata, W. P. Sch.
IIOOKERIA. — Plant, capsule and operculum, two teeth and two cilia of the peristome, and
calyptra, of H. lucens. Smith : after Schimper.
* CLDIACIUM. — Plant, capsule and operculum, two teeth and two cilia of the peristome,
calyptra, and operculum, of C. Americanum, Brid.
NECKERA. — Plant, portion of the stem with male flower and perichæth enclosing the capsule,
two teeth of the exterior and three rudimentary cilia of the inner peristome,
calyptra, operculum, capsule, pedicel, vaginula,‘paraphyses, and perichætial branch,
all in connection, of N. pennata, Hedw. : after Schimper.
* an om o d o n . — Plant, capsule w ith operculum and calyptra, two teeth of the outer and the
membranous rudiment of tho inner peristome and a portion of the annulus, of A.
obtusifolius, Br. ^ Sch.
t OMALIA. —Plant, capsule with operculum, p art of the peristome (one tooth, two cilia, one
ciliola, and a portion o f the annulus), and calyptra, of 0. Wrightii, Sulliv.
HYPNUM. — Plant, tipo capsules with opercula, p art of the peristome (one tooth, one cilium,
and two ciliolæ, with a portion of the annulus), and a calyptra, of H . salebrosum,
Hoffm. : after Schimper.
Genera o f Hcpaticse.
T a b . V I .
RICCIA. — Plant ; vertical section of the frond (showing two imbedded capsules and numerous
large air-cavities) ; spores enclosed in a mother-cell ; three free spores ; and calyptra
with its style, of R. natans, L. : after Bischoll.
* ANTIIOCEROS, —Plant ; portion of the two valves of the capsule and the columella, together
with spores and elaters ; two spores and two elaters, of A. lævis, L.
* NOTOTHYLAS. — Plants ; vertical section of the frond through the involucre, showing tho
capsule ; apex of the capsule protruding from the end of the involucre ; lower half of
the capsule showing the columella ; upper half of capsule ; a gemma ; an antheridium ;
twelve free spores and two clusters of spores (4 in each), of N. valvata, Sulliv.
REBOULIA. — P la n t; fertile receptacle viewed from above ; the same from below ; capsulo
dehiscing with remains of the calyptra a t its base ; vertical section of the male disk,
showing the imbedded antheridia ; an elater ; portion of the same ; and three spores,
of R. hemisphærica, Raddi : after Bischoff.
SPIIÆROCARPUS. — P lant ; a cluster of 5 involucres ; an involucre enclosing a capsule ; a
capsule filled with spores ; and three spores, of S. Michclii, Bellardi : after Schweinitz.
* DUMORTIERA. — Plants (portions of), male and female ; fertile receptacle, showing three
involucres, each with a capsule ; capsule partly covered by the calyptra ; vertical section
of the male disk, showing the imbedded antheridia ; an elater, portion of tho
same ; and three spores, of D. hirsuta, Nees.
* PIIAGIOCIIASMA. — Plants ; triangular fertile receptacle with its three large involucres
seen from above ; same viewed sideways ; involucre with one side cut away, showing
the capsule and remains of the calyptra ; a capsule with remains of calyptra a t its base
before dehiscence ; same after dehiscence ; an elater ; a piece of same more magnified ;
and two spores, of P. Wrightii, SulUv.
FEGATELLA, — Plants (portions of), male and female ; a vertical section of the fertile receptacle,
showing two involucres, each with a capsule ; capsule with its calyptra ruptured
at the apex; vertical section of male disk showing the antheridia; two elaters ; portion
of an elater ; and two spores of F. cónica, Corda : after Bischoff, partly.
PREISSIA. — Plants (portions of), male and female ; a vertical section of the fertile receptacle
; perianth, calyptra, and capsule ; two elaters ; portion of an elater ; two spores ;
and vertical section of p art of the male disk, showing the imbedded antheridia, of P,
commutata, Nees : after Bischoff, partly.
MARCHANTIA. — Plants (portions of), male and female ; vertical section of the fertile receptacle
; perianth, calyptra, and capsule ; an elater ; portion of the same ; five spores ; a
vertical section of a p a rt of the male disk, showing the imbedded antheridia, of M.
polymorpha, L. : after Bischoff, partly.
FIMBRIARIA. — Plants ; a fertile receptacle ; vertical section of the same ; a capsule dehiscing
; two elaters ; and two spores, of P. tenella, Nees.
* STEETSIA. — P la n t; portion of the frond, with involucre, perianth, and calyptra; involucre
and perianth cut away so as to show the young calyptra ; capsule before dehiscence
; the same after dehiscence ; antheridium with its perigonial leaf ; an elater ;
and two sporules, of S. Lyellii, Lehm.