T k ib e X . T E T E A P H Î D E i E .
2 6 . T É T K A P I I Î S , Hedw. (Tab. H.)
Calj-ptra mitriform, largo, irregularly plicate, lacerate at the base. Opercu
lum acutely conic. Capsule subeyliadrioal, long-pedicellate. Peristome single
teeth 4, Üirec-sided, elongatcd-pyramidal, longitudinally striated on the back,
not articulated. Inflorescence moncecious : male flower gemmiform, terminal.
Perennial, growing on miicb decayed wood ; stems slender, simple or braucbed,
often bearing at tlicii- apex leafy cup-shaped receptacles filled with leutiform
pcclicelled gemmæ ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, 3-ranked, costate, with an hexag-
onal-iotimd areolaflon. (Name from rérpa, four, and <pvs, produced.)
1. T . p e l l ù c i d a , Hedw. Stems ÿ - V high, closely tufted, reddish be
low, light green above. — Woods; common. (Tab. H.) (Eu.)
2 7 . X E T K O D O N T S U M , Scbwægr.
Calj-ptra large, mitriform, plicate, lacimate at the base, sometimes split on
ono^ side to the apex. Operculum conic. Capsule oval, exsertly pedicellate.
Peiistomo as in Tetr.apliis, but the teeth shorter. Inflorescence moncecious:
male flower gemmiform, terminal. —Minute bulb-liko annuals, growing upon
rocks (diflering from Tetraphis chiefly in habit and structm-e of tho foliage),
with closely imbricated ovate-lanceolate scai-coly costate leaves, rooting at tho base
and tin-owing out leafy flagelliform branohlcts, or long Imear-clavato frondose processes,
sometimes ti-ifld at the apex. — (Name from rérpa,four, and 0bi>v, tooth.)
1. T . r e p ù n d u i n . Punk. Frondose processes very rare; pedicel 3" -
5" high; month of the capsule repand or notched between the teeth.—Damp
shaded situations, on the ground near- the “ Glen House,” Gorham, Wliite
Mountains of New Hampshire, James. (Eu.)
T r ib e XL E N C A L Ÿ P T E Æ .
2 § . E l V C A B X P X A , Schreber. (Tab. H.)
Calyptra large, cylindrical-campanulate, longer than the capsule, subulate-
rostrate, uncvcu or fringed at the base. Operculum conic, with a long slender
snbclavcllate rostnim. Capsule elongated-ovate-cylindrical, long-pedicellate.
Peristome variable, either absent, single or double. Inflorescence moncecious or
dicecious.— A well-marked genus, approaching in habit and mode of growth
the larger species of Barbula. — (Name from ivKaXvTrrós, covered with a veil,
in allusion to the remarkably large calyptra.)
1. E . c i l i u t a , Hedw. Stems high, thick, radiculose, simple or
sparingly branched ; leaves rather large, crowded, recurved-spreading, oblong-
ovate or .ligulate, shortly acuminate, slightly concave, rather undulate on the
margin, somewhat crenulate near the apex ; areolation dot-like, granulose above,
enlarged oblong and diaphanous below ; costa excurrcnt into a short point ; peristome
single, with 16 lanceolate distantly articulated teeth, without a medial
line, capsule smooth ; annulus none ; calyptra fringed at the base : moncecious ;
male flower gemmiform, axillary.—'Rocks, Lake Superior, Agassiz: Jefferson
County, New York. (Eu.)
2. E. Schwsegr. Differs from the last by its longerpointed
or piliferous leaves, and longitudinally ribbed capsule ; annulus present ;
calyptra not fringed at tho base ; peristome and inflorescence the same. — British
America, Drummond. (Tab. H.) (Eu.)
3. E. commiitàta, Nees & Hornscli. Stems more slender than in No.
1 ; leaves subsqiiarrose, ovate-lanceolate, gradually long-acuminate, concave,
undulate on tho margin; areolæ very small ; costa cxcui-rent; capsule smooth;
peristome none; annulus simple; base of the calyptra uneven, not fringed; moncecious.
— British America, Drummond. (Eu.)
4. E. s t r e p t o c a r p a , Hedw. Stems more elongated than in No. 1 ;
leaves not so spreading, ligulate, costate to the obtuse or cucullate apex ; capsule
spirally ribbed; peristome double; teeth 16, filiform, nodose; annulus
compound ; cal}’p tra spinulose at the apex, crenatc at the base ; inflorescence
dicecious. — British America, Drammonc?. — The Alleghany specimens usually
referred to this species are without frait, and hence doubtful. (Eu.)
2 9 . S Y K K I I O P O D O W , Scliwægr. (Tab. II.)
Calyptra large, campanulate-conic, rostrate, cloven on one side. Operculum
conic, with a long-subulate rostram. Capsule elliptic-cylindrical, exannulate,
exsertly pedicellate. Reristomo single: teeth 16, linear-lanceolate, articulated,
without a medial line, short, nearly horizontal, inserted below the mouth of the
capsule. Inflorescence dicecious or moncecious. — Perennial plants (the tropical
representatives of Encalypteæ), with densely cæspitose simple or dichotomously
branched stems, and costate elongated-ligulate leaves, from a whitish sheathing
base composed of large pellucid rectangular areolæ, which elsewhere are minute,
opaque, and granulose. (Name from avppOTros, connivent, and ôàwu, a tooth,
alluding to the horizontal position of the teeth of tlie peristome.)
1. §• F l o l ’itlaB iiiS , Sulliv. Stems about 1' high; leaves erect-patent
from an amplexicaul base ; the margins convolute, thickened, more or less narrowly
bilamellate, undulated, serrated ; costa ceasing at or below tlie obtuse
apex. (Syr. a l b o v a g i n a t u s , ^ W s . in Drum. 2dcoll,No. 37.) — Nortliem
shore of the Gulf of Mexico ; also Florida : frequent. (Tab. II.)
T k ib e XH. Z X G O D Ô N T E Æ .
3 0 . Z Y G O B O N , Hook & Tayl. (Tab. II.)
Calyptra small, cuculliform, smooth, oblique. Operculum obliquely rostrate
from a conic base. Capsule pyriform, apophysate, striated, on a rather short
pedicel, immersed or exserted. Peristome either double, single, or absent ; when
present, constructed as in (the nearly related genus) Orthotrichum. — Perennial
species, growing on trees or on rocks, in large patches; stems with fastigiate
branches, fertile at the apex; leaves linear-lanceolote, carinate, continuously