9- O . C a n a d C n s e , Br. & Sch. Differs from tho preceding species in its
more acute leaves, its shortly-exserted capsule smaller aud not so constricted
under the month, and in the 16 cüia of tho inner peristome. - Central Ohio-
rare; on trees.
10. O . a f f i n e , Schrad. Larger and coarser than any of the foreo-oing ■
leaves oblong-lanceolate, rather obtuse, revolute (the upper ones rather undulate)
on the margins, strongly papillose on both surfaces; capsule elliptic-oblong with
a tapermg apophysis, omersed; cilia as in No. 7 ; calyptra slightly haii-y, green-
isli. — On rocks, Lake Superior, Agassiz. (Eu.)
11. O . s p e c l ò s u n i , Nees. Stems elongated, l ' - 2 ' high, loosely cæspitosc
leaves lanceolate, keeled, ivitli recurved mai-gins ; capsule shortly exserted
tapermg into the pedicel, indistinctly striated, when dry ribbed near the month
only; ciha of peristome 8; calyptra large, very hairy. - Trees ; on banks of
the St. Lawi-ence River. (Eu.)
12. O . l e i o c à i p u m , Br. & Sch. Size and mode of growth much as in
tho last; readily distinguishcd by its capsule without striæ, and cnth-oly smooth
when d r j ; and by the 16 large crose-articulate cilia of the peristome. — Trees
Lake Superior, Agassiz. (Eu.) ^
§ 2. Capsule much exserted. Monoecious.
13. ® , U n d w i s i i , Sehwffigr. Stems mostly decumbent ; leaves lincar-
lanceolato, somewhat fasciculate, when dry slightly twisted, the margins plane or
slightly undulate ; capsule pyrifoi-m, when dry very much contracted and pUcate
iit the mouth; inner peristome absent; calyptra moderately hairy, laciniato at
the base. — On trees, Alleghany Mountains. (Eu.)
14. © . H u t c l l i i i s i s e , Smith. Stems aggregated in rather loose tufts;
leaves lanceolate, carinate, scarcely reflexcd on the margins, when dry erect-ap-
pressed, not twisted ; capsule suhclavate, with 8 broad striæ, the apophysis gradually
tapermg into the long pedicel ; cilia of tlie peristome 8 ; calyptra large,
copiously hairy. — Eocks; common in mountainous districts. (T ab .II.) (Eu.)
15. © . CFÎspMMi, Iledw. Stems closely tufted; leaves linear-lanceolate
from a dilated base, much contorted and crisped when dry, slightly undulated;
capsule clavate, when dry constricted under the mouth, with 8 strong ribs con-
timicd down the very long tapering apophysis ; peristome with 8 cilia of a double
row of cellules; calyptra very hairy; sporules brown. — Trees, Alleghany
Mountains. (Eu.)
16. O . c r i s p i i l i im , Ilornsch. More delicate than the last; loaves narrower
and less crisped when dry ; capsule shorter, pale, of thin texture, when
dry not contracted below tho mouth, its ribs less distinct; apophysis shorter,
passing more abmptly into tho pedicel; sporules green. — Trees, Alleghany
Mountains. (Eu.)
17. O . ÏS rÙ c llB i, Brid. Very closely allied to the last two species ; from
No. 15^it differs in its less crisped leaves, and deeper-colored larger capsule;
from No. 16, by tbe narrowed mouth of tbe capsule and the much longer apophysis
; from both by its longer pedicel, and the cilia of the peristome of but
one row of cellules. — White Mountains, N. Hampshire, Oahes: rai'e. (Eu.)
3 3 . M A C R O M Î T K I U l i I , Brid, (Tab. H.)
Calyptra large, conic-mitriform, longitudinally plicate or sulcate, more or less
laciniate at the base, hairy or glabrous. Operculum subulate-rostrate from a
conic base. Capsule erect-ovate, oval or oblong, long-pediccllatc. Peristome
double or single, sometimes wanting; the exterior 16 teeth lanceolate, usually
in pairs ; the interior a more or less exserted membrane, truncate or cut to tho
base into 16 or more cilia. — Stems creeping; branches erect, crowded, fertile
at their summit; leaves lanceolate-oblong, continuously costatc, with a dense
and minute dot-like areolation above, enlarged rectangular and pellucid below.
(Name from paKpos, long, and pirpi.ov, a veil, refening to the very large calyptra. )
1. M . B î 'é g ’c i , Hochstetter ? Stems slender, H - 2 ' long, creeping, sub-
pinnately branched ; branches short, erect; leaves crowded, crcct-patent, ovate-
lanceolate, papillose, recurved on the margins, vcntricosc-concavo at base, canaliculate
above ; capsule oval-oblong; peristome single (the exterior wanting), a
short truncate membrane ; calyptra hairy. — Top of Jonah Mountain, Georgia,
Lesquereux; on the bark of old pine-trees. — We have seen Capo of Good Hope
specimens apparently identical with ours, referred doubtfully to M. tenue and
M. Dregci. (Tab. H.)
3 4 . S C I Î F O T M E S M Ï A , Brid. (T a b .II.)
Calyptra large, conic-mitrifonn, scabrous at the apex, with 4 or more inffexcd
lobes or appendages a t the base. Operculum conic-subulate. Capsule subcy-
liudrical, erect, pedicellate. Peristome double; the exterior 16 teeth in pairs,
linear-lanceolate (when dry revolute) ; the interior 16 or more irregular cilia. —
Mode of growth, habit, and structure of leaves very much as in the last genus :
both genera being the tropical analogues of Orthotrichum, and remarkable for
the ferruginous or reddish-brown color usually predominant in their foliage. —
(Named for Count Schlotheim.)
1. S . C. Mull. Monoecious; branches short; leaves very
crowded, ovate-oblong, obtuse, apiculate, rugose-undulate above, the costa ceasing
below the point. — Grows in compact, rigid, dark-brown mats, on trees. —
Lower portion of the Southern States. (Tab. II.)
T k ib e X IV . P T y C I I O M I T K I È Æ .
3 5 . P T Y C H © M Î T R I Ï I M , Br. & Sch. (Tab. H.)
Calyptra campanulate, plicate, deeply laciniate at the base. Operculum conic-
subulate. Capsule oval, erect, annulate, pedicellate. Peristome single : teeth
16, perforated or fissile into two unequal filiform segments. Inflorescence monoecious.—
Perennial plants, growing on rocks and trees: in habit aud aspect
intermediate between Orthotrichum and Grimmia. — (Name from tttv-xos^
a fold, and pirpiov, a veil, referring to the plicate calyptra.)
1. P . Schwoegr. Stems 2 " - 3 " high, aggregated; leaves
crowded, oblong, ligulate, spreading, slightly incurved at the obtuse aud somewhat
cucullate apex, concave, costatc nearly to the point, of a rather thick tex