O r d e r 140. H E P A T IC iE . ( L i v e r w o r t s . )
Moss-like plants, o f a loose cellular texture, usually procumbent, and emitting
rootlets from beneath; the calyptra not separating from the base, but
usually rupturing at the apex; the capsule not opening by a lid, containing
spores usually mixed with elaters (wHch a re tliin thread-like cells, containing
one or two spiral fibres). — Vegetation sometimes/rondosc, i. e. the
stem and leaves confluent into an expanded leaf-like ma ss; sometimes
foliaceous, when the leaves a re distinct from tho stem as in tru e Mosses,
entire or cleft, 2-ranked, and often with an imperfect or rudimentary row
(amphigastria) on th e u n d er side of th e stem, lieproductive organs o f two
kinds, viz. antheridia and pistillidia, much as in Mosses (p. 607), variously
situated. Th e matured pistillidium forms th e capsule, which is immersed
in or sessile upon th e frond, or borne on a long cellular pedicel, or
attached to th e u n d er side of disk-like pedunolod receptacles, and dehisces
by irregular openings, by revolute segments a t its apex, or lengthwise by
2 - 4 valves; a columella is rarely present. Th e perianth is a tubular
organ (sometimes absent), enclosing th e calyptra, wliich is always present,
an d directly includes th e pistillidium. Surrounding th e perianth is th e
involucre (occasionally wanting), also a tubular organ, or leaves o f particula
r forms. Th e antheridia iu th e foliaceous species a re situated iu the
axils of perigonial leaves; in th e frondoso species, scattered within th e
substance, or sessile upon th e surface o f th e frond, or immersed in sessile
o r peduncled disk-like receptacles.
A r tif ic ia l A n a ly s is o f th e G e n e ra .
I. Vegetation frondose (stem and leaves confluent in a frond).
* Elaters and columella wanting.
1. RICCIA. Capsule valveless, globular, immersed in the frond. Involucre none.
2. SPIIiRROCARPUS. Capsule valveless, globular, sessile on the frond. Involucre sessile.
* * Elaters none, or imperfect: columella present.
3. ANTHOCEEOS. Capsule 2-valved, elongated linear, pedicelled.
4. NOTOTHYLAS. Capsule 2-valved half-way down, sessile on the frond.
* * * Elaters with 1 or 2 spiral fibres: columella none.
-t- Capsule opening irregularly, nearly sessile. Eertile receptacle peduncled.
5. MARCHANTIA. Fertile receptacle 8-10-rayed.
6. PEEISSIA. Fertile receptacle 4 - 5 ribbed.
7. DUMORTIERA. Fertile receptacle convex, hairy.
8. FEGATELLA. Fertile receptacle conical.
9. REBOULIA. Fertile receptacle hemispherical, 4 - 5 lobed; the lobes acute.
10. GREVIAIiDIA. Fertile receptacle conical-bemispberical, 4 - 5 lobed ; the lobes truncate.
11. FIMBRIARIA. Fertile receptacle conical, tuberculate: involucre fringed.
12. PLAGIOCIIASMA. Fertile receptacle m inute, 2 - 4 lobed, concealed by the ascending involucres.
■*- Capsule opening regularly by 4 valves, pedicelled.
33. METZGERIA. Frond w ith a midrib, which bears tho fruit on its lower surface.
14. ANEUUA. Frond without a midrib, bearing the fruit underneath near the margin.
15. STEETZIA. Frond with a midrib, bearing the fruit on its upper side.
16. PELLIA. Frond w ithout a definite midrib. Fruit dorsal.
17. BLASIA. Frond with a midrib, bearing the frmt near its apex.
II. Vegetation foliaceous (leaves and stem distinct).
* Leaves succubous, i. e. the apex of each leaf lying under the base of tho succeeding leaf,
•I- Amphigastria present (except in No. 18).
18. FOSSOMBRONIA. Perianth campanulate; its m outh wide, undulate.
19. GEOOALYX. Perianth n o n e: involucre fleshy, becoming subterranean.
20. CniLOSCYPIIUS. Perianth obovate, 2 - 3 lobed. Calyptra chartaceous.
21. PLEURANTIIE. Perianth fusiform, concrete with the calyptra.
22. LOPIIOCOLEA. Perianth S-lobed, trian g u la r; the lobes crest-toothed.
23. SPIIAGNCECETIS. Perianth triangular a t the a p e x ; its mouth denticulate.
24. JUNGERMANNIA. Perianth tu b u la r; its mouth contracted, denticulate.
•t- 4- Amphigastria absent.
25. SCAPANIA. Perianth compressed parallel to the stem, truncate. Leaves 2-lobed.
26. PLAGIOCIITLA. Perianth compressed contrary to the stem. Leaves n ot 2-lohed.
27. SARCOSCYPHUS. Perianth and involucre united. Leaves 2-lobed.
28. GYMNOMITPflUM. Perianth wanting. Leaves 2-lobed.
* * Leaves incubous, i. e. the apex of each leaf lying on the base of the succeeding leaf. Amphigastria
present (except in No. 32).
4- Leaves complicate-2-lobed.
29. FRULLANIA. Perianth keeled beneath. Lower lobe of the leaf auriculiform.
30. LEJEUNIA. Perianth terete or angular. Lower lobe of the leaf plane.
31. MADOTHECA. Perianth compressed, 2-lipped.
82. RADTJLA. Perianth compressed, Amphigastria absent.
33. PTILIDIUM. Perianth terete. Leaves aud amphigastria ciliate.
4- 4- Leaves not complicate - 2-Iobed.
34. SENDTNERA. Perianth 3- or 6-angular ; its mouth many-cleft. Leaves 5 - 6-cleft.
35. TllICHOCOLEA. Perianth none. Leaves capillary-many-cleft.
36. MASTIGOBRYUM. Perianth triangular. Stems flagelliferous.
87. LEPIDOZIA. Perianth 3 -plaited; its mouth denticulate.
38. CALYPOGEIA. Perianth none. Involucre fleshy, subterranean.
S u bo r d e r I K I C C I A C E A : .
Te rre strial o r aquatic, frondose little annuals, witk th e fru it immersed in,
tlie frond, or sessile upon it. No perianth n o r elaters. Capsule sessile,
bursting irregularly.
1 , K I C C I A , Mich. F l o a t i n g L i v e r w o r t . (Tab. VI.)
Fruit immersed in the frond. Involucre none. Calyptra coherent with the
globose capsule, and crowned with the persistent stylo. Spores angular. Inflorescence
moncecious or dicecious: antheridia imbedded in the frond. {Named
after Ricci, an Italian botanist.)
* Frond without air-cavities: terrestrial.
1. R . g 'lR U C a , L. Frond somewhat stellate-lohed; its divisions linear-
obovate, emarginatc-lobed, channelled, dotted, glaucous, membranaceous along
the margin. — On moist ground. (Eu.)