on tho back, the keels crestccl. (E. dilatata, il/usc. AUeghan. No. 267, partly.) —
Hocks and trees; common.
7. F. Eboracólisis, Lehm. Stems creeping, fasciculately branched;
stem-leaves loosely disposed (tho rameal imbricated), round-ovate; amphigastria
ov.ate, a little wider than the stem; perianth smooth, pear-shaped, slightly compressed
and repand, beneath obtusely keeled and gibbous near tho apex. (F.
microscyplia, keviscypha, & nana, Taylor.) —Bark of trees; common.
8. F. saxiitills, Lindenberg. Near the last, but scpaivatcd by its pinnately
branched and more rigid stems, more crowded leaves, much larger amphigastria,
.and shorter perianth. — Trees, Massachusetts.
9. F. itliina, Sulliv. (in Mem. Amer. Acad. 1. c.) Resembles No.
7, but is a somewhat larger species; the auricle very small, close to the stem,
and covered by the piano rotund acutely bilid amphigastria, which arc tlirico
the width of tho stem; perianth oblong-oval, or neiu-ly obovate, piano above,
carinate beneath. — Kocks; East Tennessee.
10. F. aeolotis, Nees. Not unlike No. 8; leaves semi-vcrtical, subsquarrose,
obliquely cordate, tho amícle usually expanded into a lanceolate lamina;
perianth unknown. — Grows in spongy masses on decayed logs, stumps, &c.;
3». EEJEÉNIA, Libert. (Tab. VIII.)
Eractification lateral or terminal, on proper branches. Involucral leaves 2,
deeply 2-lobed. Perianth oval or obovate, terete or angular, winged or ciliate-
crested on tho angles, the mouth 3 -4-lobed; pistillidium single. Calyptra obovate,
persistent, rupturing below the apex. Capsule globose, membranaceous,
pale, 4-clcft to the middle. Elaters persistent, adherent to the tips of tho valves,
erect, the upper end tnmcatc-dilated, with a single spiral fibre. Spores largo,
irregtdar. Inflorescence dicecious. Antheridia on proper branches, lodged in
the ventricose base of imbricated 2-lobcd perigoni.al leaves. Amphigastria present.
(Named for Lejeime, a Erench botanist.)
* Amphigastria entire.
1. E. clypeiita, Schweinitz. Stems (7 " -1 0 " long) procumbent, somewhat
pinnately branched; leaves (whitish-green, of a firm texture) with the
upper lobe round-obovato and deflexed, the lower oblong, quadrate; amphigastria
orbicular, approximate ; perianth lateral, sessile, obovate, obtusely
keeled on tbe back, 2-keeled beneath, tho margin subcomprcsscd. — Alleghany
Mountains. (Tab. V III.)
2. E. longillora, T a y l.! Closely resembles tho last species, but has
loaves of a more membranaceous texture, and a 5-winged perianth. — On trees.
Southern Ohio to Florida.
3. E. calycillata, Tayl. Stems entangled, branched; leaves patent-
recurved, oblong, obtuse, subdeflexod; the lower lobe involute, lanceolate;
amphigastria rotund; perianth axillaiy, rather exserted, obcordate, 4-winged,
tho TiuEgs entire; involucral leaves narrow, a c u te .-O n lichens; Alleghany
4. E. c y c l o s t i p a , Tayl. Stems ( 5 " -7 " long) brancliod; leaves pale
green, patcnt-rccnrved, oblong, obtuse ; tho lower lobe quadrate-ovate, involute,
1-toothcd ; amphigastria renifonn-rotund ; perianth terminal, obcordate, compressed,
plane above, vcntricose-4-wingcd beneath, tlio wings ciliate, the cilia
dentate; involucral leaves ncariy covering the perianth.—Bark of trees, near
Cincinnati, Ohio.
5. E . p o l y p l ï ÿ l l a , Tayl. Stems cæspitose (3 " -4 " long) ; leaves olive-
green, scmi-cordate ; lower lobe involute, lanceolate; ampliigastria mmutc,
rcniform ; perianth immersed, rotund-obovatc, 5 - 6-anglcd near the apex, the
angles dontato-crestcd. — Habitat same as the last. (We have not seen specimens
of No. 3 and 5 : tho descriptions are from Lond. Jour. Bot., 1846.)
C. E . a u r i C H l à t a , Hook. & Wils. Grows in dark green patches ; stems
5" - 8" long ; leaves closely imbricating, scymitar-shaped, complicate and somewhat
2-lobed at tho base; amphigastria obovate-rotund, emarginate; perianth
obovatc-triangular. — Bark of trees, Louisiana.
7. E. t e s t l l i i i i i e a , Tayl. Stems 5" - 7" long; leaves whitish-green, very
closely imbricating, patent-divergent, oblong, almost scymitar-shaped, obtuse,
complicatc-2-lobed at tlie base ; the lobe small, lanceolate ; amphigastria rotund,
minute compared with the leaf. — Bark of trees. Southern Ohio.
* * Amphigastria 2-cleft, or obsolete.
8. E. S C l - p y l l i f ò l i a , Libert. Stems vaguely branched ; leaves with the
upper lobe roundish-ovate, convex ; the lower much smaller, obliquely ovate, involute;
amphigastria rounded, 2-cleft, its segments obtuse; perianth obovate,
acutely 5-anglod. — On moist rocks and trees, Alleghany Mountains. — A small
pale-green species, with transparent and loosely reticulated leaves. (Eu.)
9. E. C l i c u l l à t a , Nees. Stems filiform, rather pinnately branched ;
leaves oblong-ovatc, distant, the lower margin inflcxed-hooded ; amphigastria
oval, 2-c!eft; perianth obovate, rather compressed, obtusely keeled beneath,
convex on the back and 2-kcoled near the apex. (L. lucens, Tayl.] — Moist
rocks, near the ground, Alleghany Mountains. — A minute, flaccid species, with
ligld pea-green foliage.
10. E . I l î i n ï l t i s s im a , Uumort. Stem creeping, sparingly branched;
leaves vertical, siibrotund, imperfectly 2-lobed, the lower lobe an indistinct fold;
amphigastria obsolete; perianth terminal, compressed, 5-angled; tho mouth
obtuse, papillose. -R o o t s of trees. — Small as No. 9. (Eu.)
11. E . c a l c à r e a , Libert. Stems loosely and divaricately branched;
leaves ovate, pointed, decurved, cellulose-echmato, inflexed at the base, saccate;
amphigastril oblong, 2-cleft; perianth pear-shaped, with 5 crested wings. — On
roots of trees, Ohio. - A very minute species, scarcely visible to the naked eye.
3 1 . M A D O X H È C A , Dumortier. T e e e S c a l e -M o s s . (Tab. V III.)
Eructification lateral, nearly sessile. Involucral leaves 2 or 4, two-lohed.
Periantli ovate, biconvex; the mouth 2-lipped, incised or entire, ^ Calj-ptra globose,
persistent, ruptuiing below the apex. Capsule globose. Elaters free, at