8. J . b a r k à t a , Schreber. Stems procumbent, sparingly branched ; leaves
roundish-quadrate, 3 - 5-lobed, tho sinuses obtuse and undulate ; lobes obtuse,
acute, or mucronulate, variously directed ; amphigastria (when present) broad,
entire or 2-toothed ; perianth angularly plaited to near the apex, the mouth denticulate.—
Hilly districts, on the ground, rocks, &c. : variable. (Eu.)
9. jr. IT lîc llc lÙ x iij Weber. Stems ascending, fiexuous by repeated innovations
from below the summit ; leaves crowded, erect-spreading, rather saccate
at base and quadrate, 2-clcft, the sinus naiTow ; the lobes acute, incurved ; exterior
involucral leaves large, serrulate, the inner smaller ; perianth oval, ratlier
club-shaped, the obtuse apex plaited, the mouth fringed. — Alleghany Mountains.
10. J . i u c i s a ^ Schrader. Stems prostrate, thick, rather flat, rooting copiously;
leaves densely crowded, somewhat quadrate, waved, 2 -6-cleft, the
segments unequal ; perianth oval oi' obovate, the mouth plaited, denticulate. —
Damp, shaded places, on the ground. — A small, pale green species. (Eu.)
11. J”. i n t e r m e d i a , Eindcnberg. Stems prostrate, almost simple ; leaves
roundish-quadrate, 2-cleft; the upper ones crowded into heads, and 3 -4-cleft;
involucral leaves 3 -4-clcft, slightly serrate, connate at the base ; perianth short,
ovate-triangular, tho mouth plaited, denticulate. — On the ground. — A small
species. (Eu.)
* * * Leaves nearly orbicular, undivided; amphigastria different or obsolete.
12. 3* S C l l t à t a , Weber. Stems procumbent; leaves half vertical, emar-
ginate-2-toothed; the teeth straight and acute; involucral leaves 2 -3-toothed ;
amphigastria large, ovate-triangular, 1 - 2-toothed on the margin near the base ;
perianth obovate, the mouth plaited, denticulate. — Old logs, &c. — A minute
species. (Eu.)
13. J . S c l i r n d è r i , Martins. Stems creeping, flexuous : leaves elliptical-
orbicular, ascending ; outer involucral leaves large, elongated, entire or cmargi-
nate, spreading at the apex; the inner smaller, more or less laciniated; amphigastria
obsolete; perianth oval-obovate; the mouth plaited-lobcd, its lobes
ciliate. (J. orbicularis, Michx.?)—Decayed logs, &c. ; common. — Eoliage
often dark purple. (Eu.)
14. J . T à y l o r i , Hook. Stems erect, nearly simple; leaves orbicular,
with large areolæ ; amphigastria broadly subulate ; perianth oval, compressed
at the mouth, truncate and 2-lobed. — Bogs; mountains of New England. — A
large species, with purple foliage. (Eu.)
15. jr. c r e i i u l i i t a , Smith. Stems prostrate, branched ; leaves orbicular,
ascending, those towards the perianth larger and bordered by large marginal
cells ; perianth obovate, compressed-4-angled, the mouth much contracted,
toothed. — Margins of ditches, Mobile, Alabama. (Eu.)
* * * * Leaves unequally complicate‘2-lobed {{. e. folded together) : the involucral
ones 3 - b-cleft : perianth oblong, obtuse, plaited.
16. jr . C X S é c ta , Schmidel. Stems ascending; dorsal lobe of the leaves
small, acute; ventral lobe concave, acute or 2-toothed. — Boggy places, decayed
wood, &c. (Eu.)
17. J. o b t u s i f d l i a , Hook. Stems ascending, simple; lobes of the leaves
oblong, obtuse or acute, minutely denticulate, the ventral scymitar-shapcd; the
dorsal smaller, oblique. — Dry, hilly situations, on the ground. (Eu.)
18. J . S llM c a ilS , L. Stems ascending: the dorsal lobe of the leaf ovate,
the vcnti-al larger, oblong-ovatc, scymitar-shaped, both with a broad pellucid
lino in the middle; periantli obovate, cylindrical, the mouth plicatc-dentatc. —
Moist banks, in hilly districts. (Eu.)
25. S C A P A N I A , Lindenberg. (Tab. VIII.)
Fructification terminal. Involucral leaves 2, larger than the cauline. Perianth
compressed parallel to the plane of the stem, the moutli entire or ciliatc-
tootlied. Calyptra membranaceous. Capsule oval. Elaters with 2 spiral fibres.
Antheridia in tho angles of small and saccate equally 2-lobed perigonial leaves.
Stem-leaves complicate - 2-lobed; the dorsal lobe smaller. Amphigastria none.
(Name probably from aKaTrdvrj, a shovel; from the shape of the lobes of the
1. S . l i c m o i ’d s a , Nees. Stems ascending, crowded; leaves ciliatc-
toothcd, each lobe convex, obtuse; the ventral obovate, oblique, twice as large
as the other. — Common on moist banks, &c. — A variable species, to 3' long,
pale yellow, green, or pui-ple: texture of the leaf rather firm. (Eu.)
2. S . V l9 ld .u lu .ta , Nees & Montagne. Leaves ciliate-denticulate or entire,
loose, spreading; lobes rounded-trapezoidal, the upper half the size of the lower,
except at the summit of the stem, where they are equal; of thin and flaccid texture
(green or purple.) — Mountainous districts. (Tab. VIII.) (Eu.)
3. S . b r e v i f l o r a , Tayl. (in Lond. Jour. Bot. 1846.) Stems ascending;
leaves dentate, deeply 2-lobed, lobes rotund-triangular, the upper one much
smaller, springing from the plane of the lower near its dorsal margin; perianth
ohconic, plicate, compressed, shortly 4-laciniate and dentate at its mouth, its
narrow base suiToundcd by lanceolate, sciTate scales; involucral leaves long as
the perianth. — Near Philadelphia, Dr. Watson.
26. P E A G I O C H I E A , Nees & Montagne, (Tab. VIII.)
Fructification terminal or lateral. Involucral leaves 2, larger than the cauline.
Perianth compressed at right angles to the plane of the stem; the mouth truncate,
entire or ciliate-toothed. Calyptra membranaceous. Capsule oval. Elaters
with two spiral fibres. Antheridia covered by small and vcntricose-imbri-
catcd perigonial leaves. Stem-leaves with the dorsal margin deeurrent and reflexcd,
often turned to one side (whence the name, from TrXayios, sideways, and
AiXof, herbage).
* Amphigastria none: orifice o f the perianth toothed-ciliate.
1. P . s p i l l i i l d s a , Nees & Montagne. Stems creeping, the branches ascending
; leaves remote, oblique, spreading, obovate-wedge-shaped; the dorsal
margin entire, the ventral and the apex spinulose-toothed; perianth lateral.—
Banks of rivulets, Alleghany Mountains. (Eu.)
2. P . a s p l c n i o i d c s , Nees & Montagne. Leaves somewhat imbricated,