lanceolate, spreading, snbdccurrcnt, somewhat margined, slightly seiTatcd a t tlio
apex ; capsule pendulous, oblong-pyriform, mouth and operculnm rather large ;
inner peristome perfect. —^ Ahoiit the roots of trees, on the borders of swamps ;
Ohio. (Tab. IV.) (Eu.)
17. B. iiitermèclliiiii, Brid. Densely coespitose ; stems short (3 " -6 "
high) ; leaves ovate-acuminate and ovate-Ianceolatc, imbricated, erect, their
margins rcflexed, the excurrent portion of the costa sometimes denticulate ; capsule
somewhat pendulous, oblong-pyriform ; inner peristome perfect. ■— Crevices
of shaded limestone clitfs, Ohio ; and on brick w.alls, near tho Santee Canal,
South Carolina. (Eu.)
IS. B. forqiléscciis, Br. & Sch. Much like the last ; hut distinguished
by its leaves contorted when dry, and its larger, clavate-obconic, somewhat
pendulous capsule, usually incurved. — Texas, Wright. (Eu.)
s- Injioi’escmce dioecious : male fowe r gemmifomn, terminal.
19. B. capillîirc, Hedw. Stems ÿ - V long, rather closely tuftod;
leaves strongly contorted when dry, naiTOwly margined, the lower ovate-oblong,
apiculate ; the upper obovate-oblong with slender points ; capsule rather pendulous,
variable, oval-pyi-iform, oblong-clavate, or short-obovate ; operculum
red. — On rocks, road-sides, mountains of Pennsylvania, Lesquereux : rare. A
variable species. (Eu.)
20. B. cæsplticiimi, L. Tufts compact; stems ÿ - 1 ' lo n g ; loaves
straight when dry, ovate-acuminate and ovate-lanceolate, the margins reflexed;
capsule usually oblong-obovate or pyrifonn, pendulous ; operculum yellow. —
On the ground, rocks, &c., in dry places : frequent. (Eu.)
21. B. atropurpfU'Cltm, ITcb. &Mohr. Smaller than the la st; stems
densely crowded ; leaves ovato-acute and ovate-lanceolate, erect-patent, conc.avo,
reflexed on the margins ; capsule pendulous, dark purple, oval-oblong, not pyriform,
the neck abruptly passing into the pedicel; operculnm wider than the
month of the capsule. — Sandy soil, among the lo o k o u t Mountains, Alabama,
Lesquereux. (Eu.)
22. B. sasiguineMia, Ludwig. Distinguished from the last species,
which it much resembles, by its leaves more elongated, longer-cuspidate, piano
on the margins, and sen-ate at the apex ; capsule deep blood-red, ohlong-pyri-
form, tho neck gradually tapering into the pedicel ; tho operculum more pointed
.— With No. 21. (Eu.)
4- Inforescence monoecious: male fower gemmiform,terminal on proper Irarwhes.
23. B. iiligilldsiim, Br. &Sch. Cæspitose; stems short ( 3 " - 7 " high),
radiculose ; loaves oval-lanceolate, the margins plane above and with narrow cellules
; capsule pendulous, clavate, not pyriform, irregular, gibbons on the hack
near the small oblique mouth ; cilia of the inner peristome wanting or rudimentary.
— Wet woods, Northern Ohio, Lesquereux. —’Eoliage green. (En.)
24. B. palléscciis, Schwoegr. Stems l ' - 2 ' high, compactly tufted;
leaves ovate-lanceolate, the margins reflexcd; capsule oblong-pyriform, sym-
metrical,pendulous ; cilia of tlie inner peristome present and appendiculate. —
Central Ohio : very rare. —Lower loaves ivith a reddish tint. (Eu.)
4 9 . l iH V i lT M , Br. & Sch. (Tab. IH.)
Calyptra small, cuculhform, fugacious. Operculum convex a t the base, apio-
ulate or rostellate. Capsule oval or oblong, not pyriform, mostly pendulous,
long-pedicellate, annulate. Peristome as in Bryum. Inflorescence dioecious or
hermaphrodite: male flower with clavate paraphyses.—Nearly allied to the
procedmg genus, its species however larger and more showy, conspicuous for
thoir broad, smooth, glossy leaves, with a spinulosc-serratcd thickened border,
a percurrent costa, and large roundish-hexagonal areolæ ; stems innovating from
near then base, stoloniferous ; growing on tho ground or on rocks in shady situations.
(Mw'ov, .an ancient name for Moss.)
* Infbresecmce dioecious : male fower terminal, discoid.
1. M . a i r i i i c , Bland. Stems radiculose, 1 ' - 3 'high; upper leaves large,
elliptic-oblong or ligulate-obovate, crowded, spreading, undulated or crisped
when dry, their thickened border simply spinulose-scrrate ; leaves of the procumbent
or arched shoots roundish, 2-ranked ; capsule oblong, largo ; operculum
apiculate ; pedicels often 2 - 4 from the same perichæth. — On tho ground,
shaded banks in woods : frequent. (Eu.) ’
2. M . I l o r i i n n i , Hedw. Stems and barren shoots erect, l ' - 3 ' high;
loaves erect-patent, nan-owly lanceolate, their thickened border doubly spinulose^
serrate ; capsule oblong, tapering into the pedicel, horizontal ; operculum apicu-
late. — White Mountains of New Hampshire, Oalces. (Eu.)
3. M . o r t h o r h f n c h u i i i , Brid. Stems simple, l ' - l ÿ high; upper
leaves ovate-lanceolate, subspatulato, the border as in the last species ; areolæ
unusually small aud opaque for the genus ; capsule horizontal, oblong, slightly
incurved ; operoidum conic-rostellatc. — Wet pine-woods, near Montreal, Canada
East. (Eu.)
4. M . s t e l l à r e , Hedw. Stems closely cæspitose, l ' - 2 ' high; leaves
oval-oblong, inclining to spatulatc, without a thickened border, sfrongly serrate
above, very brittle when dry ; areolæ roundish, rather small ; capsule oblong,
horizontal, slightly incurved; operculnm simply hemispherical.'—Margins of
woodl.and brooks: fruit rare. — Foliage dark green with an indigo tinge, and
acid to the taste. (Eu.)
5. M . p u n c tA i t l u i ^ Hedw. Stems J ' - 4 'high, radiculose ; leaves large,
spreading, ronndish-ohovato, narrowed at the base, scarcely pointed, with a thickened
firm border, not serrate; capsule rather pendulous, oval; operculum conic-
rostellate. — Wet places, on the ground, Alleghany Mountains. — Foliage with
a reddish tinge. (Eu.)
* * I n f orescence hermaphrodite.
6. M . s c r r à t u m , Brid. Stems J ' - l ' high, loosely cæspitose; leaves
ovate-lanceolate, tho thickened border doubly spimflose-dentate ; capsule nearly
horizontal, oval, gradually tapering into the pedicel; operculum short-rostel-
late. — Margins of rivulets, in woods. — Among the smallest species. (Eu.)
7. B I. B r n m i n u n c l i i , Br. & Sch. Densely cæspitose; stems about 1'
high ; leaves erect from an oblong narrow base, broad-ovate, shortly acuminate,
scarcely crisped when dry, with a narrow, thickened, and simply spinulose-den