rated was Canon of S ix e r s , add^6K%icc]ldr of ^o^onf^. He i a ^ ^ ^ e a t e d
vested in the Alb, whieh has a rich narur'e I l f fleurs ck?ly* and
Chasuble, probably afJdo$h-of Bandekyn, f{|n ^ d ^ p a v c Q merjj ^ M y i e r ”
or 'sirdnes,‘/ a very prevailing ornament _ in.-; ^JtfQurtednth^"H6nturyj'^^^l^)| * an d
lions«_~- The, Maniple and Stole ax e iteh in d e d |^ f e ^ aniorig which IgiuN
one of Etruscan character, termed1 anciently, 'as appear^by^Lansd.: MS. ®4,
b., a < ffy lf^ ,- On his head is the, canonical vestment'., M M *!> -
Amyse,-ttth furred dining of which i f jq be .distinguished;' between M y
he holds the chalice'and paten, and hifT-fret'rest on a dragqn, from K o se
mouth and tail proceed a rose:-tree'and a'vine, forming a m ^ ^ i l t diapering
in ’t^ e field tS | the ’ central compartment. These Christian "symbols tU iS n lp -
duced- are- evidently illusive to ^ e triumph of. Christianity ^ve^BagahiWi ffiidi
infidelity.1 Over the principal figure is Veen’the usual s ^ l ^ h c i l ^ p t ese11 -
tatioh of the spirit of the deceased received" into heaveti^Sn^ither s®'-B a
patron saint, whose name he bore"; St: John jh e Evangelist^ a n ^ ^ ^ ^ S p tis t,
holding the Holy Lamb: adjoining these are representation^ o fltM ^ m i nc
tion, to which a quotation from Job xix. -%5j refers iri tiieSinsc^-ption.
H ie jacet nffigister iohannes-„(fifetus D ,
- quondam canonicus e t JOian^ariim lieate MuriJ* ^ T n ^ n s i s . O
qiri obiifc anno-Bomini M.CGe.^initmsimo teriqa.die^Tunji^; Gredo
quod mdemptor mens Tivit e* surectums ^ u £ * '
et in came mea videbo Beum salvatorem meum.'
- Oh e ith ^ d d e ^ are introduced, in tabernacle i$||k,
•St Jullien appears with his 01iphahtf_ Si. 1 1
-relics’were preserved, us represented with a hammer; for
his skill in-working' the -precious metals. * St. Michael, and a sainted abbot,
whc®e name is illegible, appear on the opposite sfdfr ^ .
Beneath there are seen two relatives of tin- tlf”; a - .11’ " '
the curious h o r n e d ’ head-dress of the l i f e ' apparently ^ t h e ^ e v which
'Satirized by Jeah-de'Meun, occurs in some conteWporary-dnstaffiesdAWance.
On a seuteheon -ihtrodn^d in the margin pnmth er s id ^W eV fe a rinW ia r-
terly, 1st and 4th, a human head couped; 2nd and 3rd,-senfr of fleers de|lys.
By the heraldic usage of France, ecclesiastical dignitaries quartered'the bearing
of the see; instead of impaling it, as was usual in England.-
The wood-cut at the bottom of the preceding page is a specimen of diaper
ornament, from the mantle on the effigy of Lady Elizabeth de Montacute, in
the cathedral of Christ Church, Oxford. Lady de Montacute died in 1354.