gWO’X/ï tlie unost^itej'esting discoveries connected with
the ak'ciefif pain ce< ofi-Wc^m in -.ter, were those of the paintings
pnfthe walls of St.-^rtphefi's-c hipel and of the room
^ ^Mii;^iftiMftiM«^^BSistfô^haSv always been known by
the name ofj-the Painted^Gh|iji’b( r.Y Trè^u'ënf discoveries
made’()f^Me«}>ar5 combine to, show h<'W;muchK:pain,ting
pva< used*irr-tjÆ, Middle Ages particularly
in c hurchcx and numc rous niiTOft ^finSsn«^dimnm ited manuscripts
( xhibit>tthe mbgnilicyncb yhichbippcurcdAinYtheYltcorutionj of the
inferiors e < h\rwî’m^»ur plate is taken
TorinIrl^hipppar(d^a^|||i eâst^Mth^tÿSfi CtSe|lièn’s Chapel! On
fhp?;îï«rth side of the^rlfar^th.e^y ill v wgmiîïcd. -with two ranges
;9'f"vfigures ayoelg were-! ffehfescnt'cil ~thc^nm?-kiiiLrs'- making their
nfiering>fo'jjhe Saviour, who was_ iiL^I^a'rhis pfisçfhp Virgin Mary ;
while ■the^lower rang'e was divided into seven compartments,. pi;;
arched canopies like iheforicvipthis pm ^ ^ ,o*idainihg'tlic' figures'of
||rkGpofge, Edvaril‘dll., and fiiis’v’fi\c so^^l^^GForgc^is represented
as,leading the king, to }>K?^eiit'hiih-'^^RmfArirgih^-.t On the
dthçf;side^oî the altaria-similar -series mW^ntcdytijc.fc m.dc part of
Iflïe royal family -1 A ‘seîiof engraiing-3'-immitlme of these paintings,
;dift'mis|iecl< 5ôi‘ size, was published l^yfella^jlcmfev of Anticpiaries.-
In this pic ture jm t have, in alljy^^^JlMlycS! a tolerably accurate
portrait' <^^^^king,! taken ur^l';}~jÔ, the ‘date of
the birth of his fifth'sdnf! .The- the
original about t$gÆfrçôn< inches MghfA Edward1 "is ^presented in
full armour. His -crovn i^erubo!-' d I
and, gilt jAhe Rehnet'silÿferéd^'tcitlUits
rim gilt. j/The mail was embpssedj
•and gilt. ■ The smjpo&t is ^j®cjfod* with
the arms ■ of England. andlErance^- the
lions * being embossed atid dilt> on a red'!
• . 'Th&dwRôdi-'Mt-at'tli^ ^ ^ ^ B^WlÉcgd;:
page Represents a si! verç gilt,
still pŸéseïVed' at
Cambridge, w|aere -il'., il vn.l *
days.' This cub was 'pfesêifro^^B’tlîé'