p r o . (M |eDn a l c r o s s , r e v e r s e .
b™^l>l^.Cr our J<£onnt of the splendid
Cross Lianciano,' we give
o ^ H ll figures oh$the i?ever^e side,
. which in -beauty
to those which adorn the front. The
teffg w t d d n - j t h e - ^ ' n i n t e n d e d * :
’ hlmWne.fiourJCTHm^TiainLlv<.'qij'thh-'..fonr
i JR anbelists?-' .\u ^ ^ ^ t^ } ’>i^^o]»re^eiite(l
the crowning of the Virgin; the §H||
Max’ies appear, ^gaM: at the" of th e .? am ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o ^ ^ a iu ^< it‘ the
bottom is^ a ^p ^ ^ fa tio n of tli e .admin Eturing^ of
Th(; Ii_iii ■» IS'mIo i 'i a 1 ' ,M V '- f jA,*;'l!-l*-bil1 ml1' ri^''i
nf x^ agsE pratei poem' Library of
Trinity College, Cambridge, and w r itte n about the end of the reign of Edward
III. H k h t^^ f e gtnnmir bf Jjfard II
ol the modet;of ploughing ^ith-'oxen, us well
used, and ofthe thejj
y f beams plough > j l o u g l j u a l l e t , r
| — frequently Siientioned ir^^d^ritirig'- lhe
I . . / V . bartied bv 'the 6ld nonular dfetieh^fe