OUp^a^'*ropxeW richly ornamented chair
g |2M 'n e , made of ".olid-siher, still preserved in
■BBE^uwieiit papy of •' Ij'arcejfe^B in Spain. Tradition
points it out as the chair of Martin, king
^ H K o n .
^ J Jje v us ,ab,sent in
pou iipiuh in-„ ^iipj^r^mgA^0 rebellion against his
.-■ii ;ui' 1>1mi i j ! A 4 j i / ? ; o f ili.ir inland."
I After _ havm^4('(lm)e(ht,tjiie|^jc‘13ians .to. ,dbpd]|ode*,
hind established the P‘>w(&Sf I d s r e t u r n e d
^possession, of i drawled fiMjp^dqjfa in
Ijj&Ss He /ihadA a triumphal entry, lnj^lhflt v as' received rath
^%^P*festi\}titA' On that occasion he is said JpSfj^gjn^'jthV^air <»#j|jlver
„dTpu£( d m-our (ngi ivirig „+'
The wood 'cut at a, curious knocker
of .tliAejid ijf' the fourteentl^Inentury, from the.door oft the-arthde.icon’s hoiise
of thexathedral of Barcelona,, "
The.tv6Jeuts.on the present pagjQfrtaAaken from a.mgjtMM ^ K p ^ jbook
and - leefipnary, of ‘the latter half®hfAhewourtcenth cen€l|ry, ornamented’-, with
beautiful miniatures, and now preSwea inf’the i-British Museum,' J\IS. Harl.
No^J2897.y.it’he. figure on the left-hand side of the-paa< p y r ^ nts St. rlude
the apostle writing his^episti^ apd is SraMMg^ptibiting the-'tools., Ai'r, of a