Saracens -.roust, have bto ij|l^ ?liojtri.e,fDr tlicirt f |n ijl^ manvv ofgjamcli JH&sis
jEastem ladies. The long plaited hair resemble", ill ot-‘
the statue q£ Queen'Clotilda from the cliurf h of Corheil, in KajiLeVtnjiieJent 1
^J|one ofth^ platesijtQ the-present vh>ri&t-'l
The cut at '-the i¥6atf%|? tbejgj^reCeding, page is taken from the same mpmwri nt.
.The subject of, the whalo'idijmmatcd page ^ f y,^idT this forms''tla^loWe^frffiri.
^ fc tm ew fs the Saviour changing-VHe water into wine at thpgaarriage at^^Ra.
‘^e,i^|ppe^^dplpa^tmCTLt,' represent 1k§ l wedding dinner, ^ithffilrist 'and Ke
olhe&guests at tablp^ Christ i&'Messm^athe^water^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^m fd q in -hi|^hand
in alargedrinking hgrn, the only Vessel for I h t o wha ^ jjppears on ^^& b lel
In ^ iqgjar compartment, represented'in opr. Gift, the '‘servants ajfp^i'mmitig
the watepV®^^ from the cupboard,, d^w^hg^tke water froin ifiM^ldfe fed
carrying it up stairs into the, chamber-where the. gdests-are assembled a£
In tbfe 'bdnd-4heparatmg the upper dompaxWenf'WpnV 4he||ower;- w ^ p d in
Angli-l^rmaii the words,— _
"lei tot fjHGHmS .
The stair-case has a very primitive form—it appears to be made p¥^s^Iid
p i^ ^ tr f jiid^^'^fwith ^d o v e s'cu tj in :^ ^ ^ ) o d irf wbich^TO'J p]a n e ^ e t' in
aSceddmg or .descending.,vn}A plattedjrapc attached to^x&f
purpose 4of a rail. ‘
Our initial letter is taken from a,splendidly illtppnated^t^j^K^-of
the twelfth century, preserved in 'fie British MuseppiJ.