In n I «diae cirn
(j^ ^gyeV ■»enj^ed|^ 6 - groat k share
y^tTio (r\jn'])ij thy olppphtprityihs the ill-fated,
th’bufehraffitkc, same ^imoS'(it mui|Mbe con-
b I( w d). iaafflo^drafoii» hard■ II. This is
IwpVrlj aps t ri bp tort. 11 k ensure
sfr rv^\\hi<j&iiAol$ | j hi« last
J > roug^a Tm e ^ la.lnihst.'rd
weak ^j.riTicc 'bud'’t);t£nt
led aw * v&rtfe^MbLd’ luxuries
| ho had* lr ar rfijHfft fetinfatf r,tho> duties belonging
to. a jrro'wn, During hi- %cigri y Jun»1 h>m "was
governed by favourites of
the ev(* of sl'in i g h t y t l i e luinfTtj^vrplns coun^pyji
pntep,, tho king wa^irgv|W>^his own^WTTrafciompnid'hy :the'
f\il counsels <1 hi- l ' t',7%*'1 i>l
fehuscsj wh i l e k i n g d om t\as nihd in a fd <T
inglorious inaiii^tjt. thoiip,eoj>le|v\jdfo Joadi d
■support the &gafi <*rvot tliC'-ro^ J'Mu^^lfqld ;
and, as a hru-diing «tiuklmto jtlio WflWgWBwB^K
|bli1i, hearth . 1 lJiSuil •fe'wef^mratcaustls .1
p ^ m hlud to tlie ■tragic‘al|,tc^ni?i^ibii^ Richard's
Irhl^n,^®e^i^dt.'tt5iic‘/}L is. a>?)V>til hrlfeVfauious fis thf*
age of \^ri*: in i> hiiioiiv
■ former A\Jjjc liffo*,-, andgMht^mrgMrboaste;oftitho*
name 6f Geoffrey Chaucer;! it mV-t furnished-i tr^BcAballad-lingers'of after ages
the subieptofthe never-to-be-forgotten heH^t^-hm^Kp
f There are preserved two original paintings of ’jKiTfg^Kichard^EiM of ..Mtluoh.
the most curious- is the one- represent^!'in our p i a t e , ^ a b H ilton
House,. the seat of the Earl ofi'Peml&'oku .1 ^ ^ Il-^ ie l^ dt)^^ ^Mg^of
two tablets, on which are, represented the k in ^ k ^ m^ p ^ mmpiinied b fj bis
§S«tron saints, John the Baptisi vr Lurmi'iif tig, King, ,«nd,;Edward the Con -
lessor, before the Yirgin ,apd. yMld,^^ttendhd|||j'iangels<i The date of "this
painting (which is protected 'bfefa glass and.
| i ' has been .’cited as a specilhfeflplf ^>aintini^mV'oil^hg^m ^ ^ fo- the supposed