can,91^ qf) the
( Ä , fievfonA
caudle, of jo^yj]
cnridel ,(the ean-|
A R I (B p ’'. allusion», in old
shaw- '< that the use
Spffrs\n,mfios. such ak: .we now
rt^nideiipjriimlf‘ by. tlhtt name,
' 1'iVefc'iOTrsrih uiblo antiquity.
'oxhihited;'in Anglo-
B^gTOjUlluTniimtioqs at least
' - as1 /a^J)alk'Jas> j^e, tenth cen-
Esfm^&At an f^Mj^^eriod
kitli e:\ri gl o-,Siixoi i' word candel
ImJ p'r(i]),al)l|^i' more general
L*i‘tln'ug« us('d|^^4ve light {-.in
F^A-mdo-S;lx*i^|y i ^ the sun-
rTi^ni'n TTd —mu« iiin« - l-\ the
1 epithets^r^?^^ candel (the
^^u)ii^uint)f-woYdld’f ^ l l(^'.' * ^ d le * of the
candel (th(' H<‘atcm#^%n-ca«^Z (the
eaintasJilliana termed wuldres
8 e ‘,:pf glor#. % TnSSheVniore restricted -sqnse of
ca0-twist, a pair oSsnuffers^ wick f a
c^^^^eafidel-sice/, candel-sticca, cdmfolrffcffi'l These
words,^particularlyIRe Iasi, would lend tC^.tq^nwudo that the earlier candle-
stieBj^ were made ^ ’^^S.^grqbahly dittiLe "more- than a stick tapering at the
upper'end-to anoint, and this woqld \explai!c|Ahe^6rigm of the older form
of fiddlesticks, in which, ’ instead' of being placed in a stocketf ‘the candle was
fixed, on a long -spike 'f^ in ^ th e examples ^i£en in our plate), mpB«| naturally
than the supposition that i^bxi^at'edifrom .thg* adaptation. of the older Roman
candelabra, by firing a spike on the place which had been originally intended
«su p p o rt a lamp.
It is difficult tOicSay.at whatlp;ejsiud the candlesticks with sockets first came
iat!Sj.,’-qSe. The oldest examples known are:ipfi the time of Edward. III. But