FTER frfpffenti^|*of the Normanl'^some modifications
arc visible in-tjfe‘ costume of th e’clergy, but in general
arc b>, no on cans so gpeat'as in the other classes
ecclesiastical forms
;a\ aer|ain permanence! whipja; was -nf p shared
i>y TbeJPpntifical dress
°f arehbi^w^) is* ^exhrj^etd'» in the acce^)3anying
plate taken 'from M S . ^ f i i ^ a p P end of ilie twelfth
fe e n tu ry (MS A. XXII.) ';ARoVe his ancles
^ j e h was
called the ?albej{alba). '<@1^ thi» is the tunir_ (furt)* ^ fringed at the
^ t r em i t^ ( Then" thpimhnatic; richly ornament^^degc^ d i b ^ to '»the
fun e-* lAIfoye^ all, is and
^aned on .the •ajrmswke a mautlb; ^with^^^a’Tajdtog,kw)Ilar.'' ■; H an g ed on
f e ?Ieft arm i^'h^^^^7e;ytVi ng.jd a\ hich
lu n g frOTn&^ ishpulders;- and p p pW r d neail ^ ^ t lf^et^Toh^he albe
is noM fM ® B H On the hamls a ^ B ^ ^ ^ l& ^ ' l ^ l ^ e s ;":but «Pg? "syhich wasl-properl-^lffed^. of?^ th|wlMHB| a.ppr;iTN the
l ^ c o a H p ^ K H$ wears
I S 1 'ipehind the mitre we
BIhan Jtg Rown^^-^n each m S s The n\o maiks a\ hhl/ginerallj'distinguish' the bishop, are j t f f e W f e v ( i \ y ; lal^l'-rim.
B | hpjmd jthe shoulders arid
IwhiM^pd^ppotted with purple MoW v; Mnd the stafl’ hoided
1 withw:.gr.oss,“which he hel^upgtfe^ d f f ie hooked pastorkj'staff ofvthe inferior •