manuscript -calendars furnish many curious
lamong our ancestors.
^K /th e tal i l ^ V . f t .-Tji<>nths - were frequently added
glp'titures repreaeyrtinj Mr aaritultural Inborn s, sports, or cpre-
Bpn^hies which 'Bhr scries which we give
Iherc^are taken from aiuAjiulo-riiwi jl dc™lar,|®ri;tt<_n (as it appears) a
L m '’v j i -) brioic the Noiman Confjjust, md uoan piWixcd m the CQttonian
drawings occupy the foot of the ^ g e in each-
linon-^oimd areji&markable An Anglor
Esaxontcalendfir Jof the nri£ collection, Tiberius, B. V.,
[contains a .birnilar drawings
[arc-very Valuableifflusfrations < ^llXon
WorctvtR^rs, «md them are the
i^^^^^^Md-S-axon liimii’s of
| 1. .Hruta‘r\-'appears'here as ■mo‘nt^^^^^^^^^^ahd*sowin*g.^ Among
khv'^Xagl.iKhJxoris, ^»d indccjJ ldng,/aft( rANurds Juunc ^ ^m ^ n o t much u^td. in
[im-mirigs^ilt an as only ^indeed at a very 1
Itli^^^draAN the plough h i mil pr >" d ji1' In ■» L", jl1 1' 1 *r‘ d’" ' l 1,1
Id^^xen« are umplojcd hirithi^puTj^V \*^Thtf.n h m ^ S ^ j^ ^ h i ,:l'’hn)iiTh 1>\
jlli^“n.ii^Yv(>'rt( d Saxons anus M^geola^ ^ 'a irf^ tlH '^ ‘bml^nndc/dr^npTith
Iwhgi‘ follows' ©^ristmas. 11 the n be g ^ <™||jpt is |u |C j( linstm is d iv, J)u t
Ianhn^Ta'ccording tq|Bpde; was called Trmc(fe‘fu(-lit:^ ^ P mi^lit iokmotherV pro-
IbahMfrom seme-, superstitious o romomiev an that uighh v
i y2.'^'Ir£i E^ruary,®iCjhu‘'ljandmt,n arescn^fjyriliUn<pruj(irig; tre t appa33?ntty
f*IS H B R j^nglo-Saxon n irn 'h j J n ni s* ^LLV'L*** O '1 1' l"d
«interprets ifies; month o f r cakes, which offered
to their gods.
■cakes* op. Shrove Tuesday is- a remnnniteffl3|fla
Ian < itmfe-§iperstition.
I 3.-^The%ttnqnth of^l(larehv was dedicat'd
K)j^ffii-Pagan^S^s,f®'|heir;-goddess Hrseda',
fend was on'thaf^d^ount 'nained Jlrocd-hiqmfijJ
lit' wag ,;also "eahe(h.Hlyd-iaonat), orptK? st'6rrhy\
wiionth, on aegount of tKb rirqg&weathfer Ayhich
generally ^characterized it.- JK£0Mpie t entire»
BAagM* Saxon hto^^ffi^en^'are^njupwei^in
Kggihg, sowing, aA ir^ § ^B g
I 4.' April wasipaMed 'by theySaspns ’ EoSteri
■nona«,’’ o^MSmonth- ofpfestra, qlei^fetheir
»nciehf^gbddesses^Kyh^go • name is^-|^^prgj
Served itf, our Easter, the lihri-Jtian festivall