BHBIt ® ™ p |tA E ï ’S; PSALTER.”
* X'DLR \the.Oide» jjist mentioned is known a
Kery tastefully illuminated mahuserippof the
Ibeginning of #hp~'Tpiirreen+h century, preserved»-.
hn||if e. tRrirish ■.‘Museum -/(SIS/ Reg. I Bl YII),
I t >is a remarkable' and interesting volume,
embellished^^^M^^?traQ'rdinaryn number. of
I pictures: - and 'a|iffl|| old embrpide:réd coven is
Lprl'zSrvod with the brash corners and part of
ktjïe^eldsp',’’ it I'. k< pi in ■§£casè. The contents
of’this «manuscript an, 1,’ a sales of pietorial
™lu^tratió'Ss;of the 33ible, descM.^pSin the Frencli
fffjmmgft IsLifwasYheh- written'and Spoken 'inrEhglariïdïjyïJ, asfj^Mdar, with
^Ruminations ht Rie% heads' d f p a g e s Litahyf in^iatih
which^dc^py'ftn^ greater part of the": book,.'and .ëa&h- page "of wkfqR has a
drawing fifthe margin aY,fhe foot, These last 'mnnt[on#|.^drawin® form two
Sstignct series, "jirn first consisting chiefly of .burlesque' designs and illustrations
oflMatural -history, fables, spores .and" pastimes, Ac,'a rid thq second sides
^@hed oPpictiires/illustrative of the,lives' of the : saints,/ ;
If/The history qf -this manuscript,'Is somcwhat'cmjidtiSv/’In 'tms^pnsètüed times
of ||é ' Reformation, it was on fhë p,dint_ o f being' parried over'to the continent,^
but it w ^ ’seized at the Custom ïïous'e,,'’ and/ presented' to QRaisn. Mary, who3
had then4®553) n^Iy^-qonte' to t h e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^contemporary inscription at
the end of the Volume states this circumstance.;-^ ^
Htmo'Utóiim nautis ad exteros transvehendum datum, s^epfatus et honestus '
yir Baldwinus Smithus, Lctodini a' portorüs et ^èotjgaltb.us, retraxit; 'atque
' Marise lilpatritsimse Anglias,' Francim, et,.Hibernimf-|®gM:'i9.odaVj|;) mense
Octqbti, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo .quipquagesimo ^tertio, regni sui^ '~
’^Pictures of feasts /are not uncommon in - ancient'/maruilscrapts, and form very
.ffifteresting illustrations of domestic .life- in former days. The subject'on our
plate is made up from' tWti^drawings. Ri tha series .of. pictures of sacred’ history
in the earlier’ part of the volume of which we1 have just been speaking, the
party at table being furnished by hi.% while, "the minstrel om ónê side, - and the
attendant bringing in the cup on the'opposite side, are taken from the other.