\ i j t ^ V l d s H I B Mil’»1 LYffij
we examine a
Medieval an-
nro struck, by
of dpks
i articles _ - .psed
11 '■■big
with, those in use among
- the laity), especially during
the twelfth and thir-
teenth centuries. The
-the \ ‘c p ^ s
and croziers, the ceremonial
robes, are all excellent
specimens of ^nrna^
E e f e ma
B M H S i.of-:tb(> S B
-MlerU i W K v .de- £a W / i i f f f i P p hl f i t f l ®
Beatce l'Beata
of f e ttle , and Bis ^om ifflM fflro™ ^ T!lff °1
iMcountSfc de Mceut-5, abbess 11K
w|the illustrious princess who , | l p|
in |i |r plate, is uho Ahir^jlhS B H | | H ' 1,^ bepri iMV ul
0 an abbess at the"funeral
’»The original is
plate. The head isi Cut out of a solid block of rock crystal. The staff
i^iblue, seme with
and of its rgyal f^Updatiijp, b e i d g . d b e i % | | m1|
It » ip v e red in its wh©t# length by
divided into eight’ pieces fe^knobs B'r.ejillasper.
t&ivards the bottom/ -where it difuiina'tes hn/"'“ipike B hhH | ?^r> 1,s
represented by'the, cut imfhVuuargid; cM>urhphge. and I
arms df Blanche de Castile are Jfcjjp^sedMra tb w itli~«si k turrets,
which surmounfs royal crowriffoMicd’-dri nine tieui>-de-l\ ^ altirg
nately with nine parsley leaves.. >
^pFhe other pastoral) staff, to dhich w ev ifa^ral luded, has a-head of rock