The subject below is taken from a. roll on yeHum of th r ia tte r e n d | | |
twelfth century, containing drawings illustrative of the h f e ^ f StS^thlac
(Harl. Chartersf Y. 6.); it represents the consecration-of the tja|nt fflBfedda
of Winchester, attended J$y bis ^clergy. We have here th e.b ||h 4 p & ■
sacerdotal dress, consisting of the albe, tunic, dalmatic, and chasuble!; j j j
neither stole nor maniple are visible, the vittse do not appear behind attached
to the mitre; he carries in his hand the pastoral staff* • - ' * >
The sacred vessel figured at the foot of the preceding page is a verjt f^gant
mx of the twelfth century, now in',the possession- of S-P. Cox,' E s q * is
made of copper, gilt, and the ornaments relieved in ydth". blue and^een
Limoge enameL - ; . . n
'TThe initial fetter is taken from a MS. in' the, 'British Museum, also :,of ■
twelfth century.