Wil l iam B W W l w W I™ H M i o f Sa l isb u r y .
r a S j^ fef^QKiS.iVtic dnfPftst is attached, to the
';Tiie"'^^jof the name,
the son
by his celebrated mistress,
also a
D ’L v e r e u x
e a rls o f S a lisb u ry ; a n d i t is s a id th a t, h a v in g
r ;d. in N o i1,11 -1' " I I
>he r-in gui^e
in {farrfipg
Pphuy a S ^ i d i j U i imFaf
i J B p . ^Fhe .English hi
kmMah, W llHa™-'LoTmfre&ta the
(^teapand ^ M o f )f i.^gj>hiiBM YdViam.; l| | g M ^ ■*
■ngf^rki ® .‘l|||i baronial, wars iT^^.reiuiti-^^^ih^^^^^BTOphojH fe j wjis a
d^^Pclipartizan, Jlarly. in the reiR^f?hffhr^r,vf 1IL I B M
n|j|pman accompanied thi^harl^^^hcvtt i T]!lpitS ^ 0^
Land, and was present, battle of Uninkfta^BM
wht^H ^wBwBrefflims -were
iS R ^w a rd s Was^'engaged in^ ^ Mtlasron' v'ar". - b||j
hispfeturn to h& -native land ’an incj(|t^^g ^ '«•uid>td» h.a e
oo^®red which affords a|cenjarkahle iUiTpU'atioh-o^ ' i ^
miners of that ^superstitions. age.
great tem p e st at“ sea, that, despairing of life, he threw
h^Hloney and-’iiich apparel '^^^^Btrd. B u tp H n H ||
hojies iwere passed, they dissoghed -a^n’^lif?^-
wag fuming bright at the prow“ of th^ ^ g i apd^al
beautiful woman standing by it, who .^eser\ cd i t |l ^ r i j
wind and rain, So that it gayc a clear and bright' lu"tre.
Upon-sight of whij^hlheavenl f i^ip^'sb^h^ihn^clf aiMq
the,,mariners concluded of their fnturei^ec^fy^.hM
every Jone there being. ig n 6 i^ ^ WM|Bairtyihion *w$g|Itj
portend, ’except the earl: he, however, attributed“®
to the benignityfpf tlie Blessed \irgin7-:|^j||
reason that uponpihe day when^Ke was
honoured with the girdle of-Knighthood, he