FUITE characteristic of the earlier
I 'pru.tj'aud;jni(l(ll(,.fè)^the fourteenth
il®tury, to-'which the manuscript
from •whicMmese figures are taken
■appears to^Mtong. is the ’fvariety
fc»f ornamenlpwhich1 they gxhibit.
this period‘jbf^uritfnnqls, al-
in Mii'i r ij'r ‘ I i i\iii 11 ifimnation
fu mi-liffl in with
Imuiu* lady’s 'head-'
|dre"i ; ^^■^ S ^ j.r^TTdôurs y ary,
wfm {'Hi^iVi<:=fy_J^<jl slype and
colour in the costume of the time afforded a never failing
-The mifflB&pTipt to in hie U \\7‘ li i,yyjust alluduïjappc irs to.
fiaVe _ sJ to the south oft’:
SRcate^Baibout thi 'thru BMmN^nj|r^}1yh\.ird III. It was
^™ M :^™‘|"tîljiÿ Lamoignon cofiéCT§|§| from whence it passed
.to. flip library ilf^flre fljljikc* ahlidtfcas .lately
l'iee.u. pure halt'd hrâ£tîïe ",Vfi 1 s , tin1 British Museum for
g||é siim of £M0§ii It is ^fi®M[M|^BS ;onâjpUum, containing
a Mpy^bf the prose 'Drench romat^S’i f iM e l i a d u s .
Meliadus,'iaccofyhng;'to tile T*oman’ci > T.lûy Round Table,
jças ’fhe father ofr tfp^amo'üs <'Tristasi^ *$nd Jp s ÈMjoiy was.
extremdyyjfopular in thd-Iwrfep}âiTir (Wtórv Itt was, composed
in.the latter^year,<xf*the fffirrcentK'’c<WuryJliy an
■Italian na^h^ liÉ u stieien d^^^p, !hnd is-sufficiently common,
in manuscript. ,'Kingi Mrlia.din, one of Arthurs Knights,
was ode of,"i;Bfi fiveVJx^okiv&liers' oft romance..; hisj^fory fis a
combined semes of ’ë^\I)ats’=^'dWarny a< Lyentufesy .with com-, ‘
paratlyelv little relieff,.-‘anl(h it is'.■friily■ characterized in tlio'i
romance itself-as differing'from that •’of Tristan in the! cir-
cuffistapee thaï? thedatterfisA taiéjoî love .md chi\ulr\, while '
all the’ brave acts of Meliadus originated from no other
stimulus than that'of his own attachment1 to*:1 u>blo at turns—
“ quarôe que il fist il neffist'raii; par fom > d’amours,,mès par
force de son cors';seulêinpnt:^*J&ersa propre-bonté li vint-fie
faire bien, non.fie force d'amours.'’ I t is thus'mot at all surwmmmwm