Above is inscri%d>jö “AnglorNorman, shall 'be 'at ot
Xjó‘dJatthe'ju3dgment,i^ ^ ^
Hrifitsettmt a la Seat« Btu si juist.
The -threp bishops on the right hands of opr taken th ilp p e .
On, the fourth page is another gryup qfr'heads, with wjiple length ^ g S f._ of
churchmen below, and t®in&cription, “ These s h a l l a t , the left handH p e
LordGqdTat the judgment”:—=<
Stcist sernnt a la senestre Bsm=U=But al juts*.
T h i ^ ^ | ;furnished the two figu^esomtheleftfiand sid;eLqf ourjjafe.w.'
In drawing, all these figures, th e filuminator hak^hown^cpf'jderpllMjMJl^ in
depicting the physiognomical-characteristics. I S the riidit»b arid 1 < . ■
faces of, the kings, quetms, «fid- higher -pMlcSy ji^e^^fiific d a n i r a S I H p
all have an air of Conseiouswirtue. The bishops btjowjlirei .i/ndi j a en,^\ n i l
serious.-countenance,' and bearing-all the insignia .of m f $ r a |d f '
absorbed in^the discharge Sf their--Vjxbntifical duties.; T h e ^ r ^ L*
manner are thin and sedate; showing "by- th(SF^uftward'
kept rigidly .the rules of A eir qrdietf. On tiie‘-t»i^,p&g(‘; |^ f h ^ lv t t Kah&ff
the judgment-seat, the physiognomical character of ffifo-facV I
The male heads, especially those which appear to bid(jjig^tfeMjl(n\( r , » - ,
hatfer'features of a diabolical character: ^ C T j^ ^ S ^ g H B w K lrul
-dark and gloomy; those of the queens..,nc panic (rlïfrly s^cfic c Ti\.(‘, \c \hibiting ,i
singular mixture of pride and voluptucmsiiiv).^^^^ c "lcrav,. b tlw ^m hit Imd
sleek, with vpluptuous and gluttonous- looks;- -and ^^^^pqf'’the^^^lei^Kt-i("il
dignitaries, as in the two given in our p la te ,b ile li?ga^( nu
as objects of-pride and ostentation,-are "without tlftspniKipal in sup i i (Mrjjni
office, bfecause they neglected -theii; „duties, .and
dosdy shaveij. From what we know'from the
dergy o f t h e age to which these drawings belon§|fwe^cdh <bardly|^®;(J
believing that the illuminator intended to depict s ^ è of the sleek w'prldly
ecclesiastics of his time. ?
Thé handsome pastoral staff, of the- twelfth century, of w h ich t^ p u p p e r
part eis given o il the preceding page, is preserved in th e co lle c tio n ^ '‘-M&nsfeur
Duguay, at Paris. It is of copper gilt, and elegantly, enamelled. ’
Our initial letter, which affords a curious illustration of early armour, is
taken from a foreign manuscript in the possession-of the .Hon.’ Robert Curzon,
junior. The manuscript appears to havé been written ’also’-about the twelfth
century, or perhaps a little earlier.