bvcthe month of July the Anglo-Saxon husbandmen
| are repn tented a 3 employed in mowing and making
P B w ^ |B B |p ^ i ^ h i s reason called by t;he Anglo-
|&xons aijj^iQ^j^'j^lCius-fle-nionaji^«ip^ meadow-month.
It n h also knoün IFy^tliV n,mu <f/t; &ftera-litsa, the second
‘'vvild n£J/irri'i,j(}f/'i
(§^* August w.is named weod-monaS, .iX^m^hthweeds,
which are'-at this Iglti^diimlp^t luxuriant. In the picture,
thé”, husban dm ê^-^B ittlp ësénted-* reaping < for it was the
m<jTi,fhjT^^hi( hf'ffto hanf^T)pgan|a™w curious Menology,
p Mwfenidar. of months Jptl saints’ days, m Anglo-Saxon.
Ky§rsc, ‘written^ in ntl^ccTOi^y, and published in a
l^feparate' form by thi Rey.'^S^11’ox, speaks of the harvest
as I B B M B H i this month :~aSHi
Swa \>ip- IiarlV--t wffl’M
•^Sffitig ®(b timim B ide n
uela liyS
fsegere on frtldan.'
tjac^Widn harvest pomes,
'beautiful, laden with fruits;
«wealth is produced, ,
fair in the land. ’
|^ 9 . Nevertheless',5 We. nameiM^haHest-m’ohatSj ’ or. harvest-month,
was-mpfe generally«applied to the month soiiSyptefnber. In the
ijShttjre,' this :month js*represented as tht sea-on of hunting, the
.Anglo-Saxon huntsmen beinMltagaged in the chase of the boar.
■ .owflibc o th e rg ^ iM if^ tn ^ ^ f September was' consecrated
by outltunconverted. forefathers to superstitions Observances^? .of wMch perhaps
the. “ naiiyest-home’’ of. our peasan^itstiS^esoiSs a remnant. The most coin-'
moryname given to' thisgrafinth l>y halig-monats,- or the
holywtrfkfj, because, as an Anglo-Saxon writer? o)fcer,\„es^1 ‘ °Ur elders whilst
they were h|athens paid ‘irfi-thisplOnth
’4l'®| The name hMig-mOnaS, or holy-innitk; was sometime^ continued to the
l month c®©cjober. But the name more generall^&iven^ to October was
winter-fyllets, of.'winietJfuII-moon, i because I^^MAnglo-Sa^M&Teckoned thej
beginning of wintey from fnil-moonvin Wis'^ro®Eh. 'fO'otober in ancient
troffl^as at present, seems to have-been \deyoifed <caBKfe pleasfefete of the chase.'
From the earliestjKeriqd of Angles-Saxon history” to the seyenteenth century,'
the favourite' diversion of our- f6r efkthers ,was hawking ,
31 Within the month of'SNokember 'We winter season had set in. The