iij!# ^® S O R .
m jffiK S numerous valu-
^W ^ S &uaori^sfei the pub-
prlic library pf the -University',!
of Cambridge, tfibnp/:is "no
gtonehnofe 'curioiis and inte-
■ resting thm flu (lcgantly"
Illum inated volume! -.which furnished. jAhe;.
s’dbjfct^n ppr plate 1 It (ontain^a* life>of
pK in g Edward the Conh^sor, written in An- I
Hgg^brinanverue, pnol >ably afatjaf^lation from the Latin life
riffle Ail red ofi'Rie\;aux, .^pd has a miniature ,ut the top of each
Ejpage representing some scene in the history. Th© press mark
[of this volume (which*-appears tcfehsm^b'cen writtenAfroht the
Bptm^^e^fvMf thirteenth cehtui^) is'S^fAD.i’" The miniature
which we havceherc sheeted imprestnts£tn( ^emuon) ohdfpositmp^lie body
^ I f i o h a b at Westminster. iy ^ i> '.a^^ c l picture, of, the
clerical cps£ujm'e.ofrthe\peiaod,-and ah int< resting llltMratidh of uh< ceremonies
iig|ndant^®n sthe burial ofrprjm^es. Edward the Confessor died on the fifth oT
January- 106fii^ter^nai|ng first left his kingdom,^;
•by will*^William the^H'orman, and afterwards in
dyingshamed as his* ^uctcssor-Harold t®|Anglo-
< Saxon,^a d^pblejfe^^pfeht .which led, in the course
of a few months tcBiitnyNorman jumpiest.- ;K,ing
ly ^ a rd was bpried in thWlliproh fejtthe abbey of
1/^tminsptf which he hafr fmh^d,:and where his
tomb Stil^r^tnai.i^; though there/ io'igi,A reason for.;
believing that it ever r(SShb®l't)he one represented
[ in our engraving.
\ . The' t wffif wnj|d^ cuts; M
representing’*- an , altar
and th^n'df_cif{a shrine.vl
are taken
same volfime w®ch‘. furnished1
our plate.*jj©ur
initial fr ‘thk'enf -
from A; rpanuscriptt-pfi
’ the ^ ^ ^ fe ^ ^K ^ ^ u ry :
of- TrinityJpOllege, Cambridge.