f -\i \< B B m
| f c f | DÉNIS.
I ]^BMpe4€Fÿ6‘-pioiiuinental effiles
^erA^j^sçuë’d' by Lenoir from)
F^poguFaa»' Jury at the1 period-ôf .the
f . r i i n ‘France,."and . pre-
kfedryed \at thfe l lulpllfè / des' Petits
arih. until the 'Res-
^to^&^R/^^^uhject'of the present
raKffiijflmfrrfcj *:-ÊOT£edÿh^^oi'iginallxi
• i mFM ^ f f l^entuhi (. hprch'
has- '-now
rK.to^rh.i' Catacombs at'
tfefe D en i/ Mj^Pmammemorials of
r^hlTOa‘-r§.val.' .brought
t-orics/ • l^ejfuntil
peaceably reposed. Of the entire
H p r jtS a B g ?frl axo from A the-djActcn<™
fthpî' Rf ign of > T e r r o r , Nheir*' rem a jjS sr h ad
||||served ^^ffic-^illiunmatcd dijawmg winch'‘-mavalfo tfem olfeofion
of fetches of monument's in1?!'r anOcé 1 > v j||jp> direction
of M, de. ’Oan^n^^Sj ta,nd>.be.qiiei3,thed fe^^4'Mmft(^^Lt^l3.ddl(>iapsiibcar\..' The
tbmb consisted of a loft}, tanopj, i k hly punted* with ai moi ia]|p|f( or at] on, -and
beneath reclined the effigy of .white ^it! 1 ’ alone
ffiçàped the desolating, füry* of the l^Voferfjbnty.. •
^^Ji.arlc^^G'dm.te-.d’Ltamp'es, born^&bouf the cmnm’en.dciiiEioiit_(j^ ^ ^ ^ fou-K^nnrh
century,;was the shdoh’df- son o£ Louisfï-^^o^pinlippc |o ^ITar<h.,*ffl\effrt whom
in gf30'7*thd‘ comté of "Évféux, t h o ^ h j r d F t nnpisf- and d'çher territories
n a tt b3§|E ‘„bestowed "by his brother, Phihppe^^LS^fin
||e(pieathed to’ him "by his father/ L®hjs, (raîk^d^EiU'èù^^pd'^iji' aniV
was interred in the Church of the1 Do^nicâns^a'trÉ aSris ; ihi§-’^S.^r,iht^î atiSt;'
pï>enis, was described- and. represent|||!fhy Mr. Kerrkh, in
'vol. xviii. plate xÿL; having ^en^ldedtjbi! of 'th/interest''which
’attached itself to 1 that, pilingge~ a« brother of Margaret.* thè^r’^ â a 'K <iueen
of Edward I. On his father’s demise, Etamfes portion of Charles^
the second son, and in 1327 the barony *t\W'elcvatfd.-by*Charles«le Bel,*who
had espoused Jeanne, thé *Sldnn/i§te/ of*tte^^bmt^(|lÉtampes, i;ôva county.
Another of his sisters’ nlarried, the Duke of Brabant^|^®|)éingy in 133j^|at
Variance with the Earl of Flanders, -Charles took^shmûeldHô|aid "the clause
of his brother-in-law. V^Chrèe years after he * joined. “thè'ïfcxptbitiorifbjx.the' side
'p£ Jean II. Comte d’Auxerre, against Eudes IV. ^ ‘Duke rc^^urgundy jj-aAi fell
in |that campaign at the - siege of Pimoram,i}Sep£ *3, r33b, being!about thirty
.years of agfc; by his ,wife .Marie, daughter1, of. Eerthnand^ lord/of Lara, and
grand-daughtér of Alphonso X. King of-Castile, bAloft issue.