■ t e e n M B T IL D A .
AVING already gi\ ^ijgthe history of this Ifcatue
along $|fth th it®jits companion, little remains
■grab' »aid aboitfjjj&K The costume of-the Frank-
r^K^Vpiocfl‘i^/Minple; with the
fel?e'nd!im^ is common' jnkthe regal
K-in,dEii£mental ‘effigies-- of %ie4 twelfth century^
I Tlie inanner•/o'^-nn^hng up the long hair is
Lrenfa^tahle^and mayJf-K? intended for.a tradi-
r&iphal memonal ot this distinguishing mark of
fer®\alk in fire eciflv^gp|Jft
T O ^ p ^ -e^at ime present article
J^arve'd in bon e^n d muptrat e reMM’^tho fai oui itc games of tlie princes
yof 'that remole period. ^blc^f^tlreJ^ht^^tor^gi.j'bfijrepfosg^ts a king.
parly allusions to the gamefof’Vlic^s^whreL scefns
8i>*skow that it^rt^ajfimiu rite amusement oyBc^noithmen, and that
TE yras il^M tn ^ ^ I ^ ^ emiinC T ^ w i ^ andlillnfflaT^dv^ ()ur;k ij|! forms
|mfejJ|jbthe large %olledt{dn^iche^uieni^^ o f a ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ vin^digging
in a ^Sandbank, ik t^Snari^h^o'f Uig in ^ ^ S ls lq ^ f Lewis '(North of
|lA|KiT'Scotland). It*o®nsisted ot siKty-^y nfpieee^,Vtmjpii^ing six k ^ p ^ fiv e
^ ^ ctls, ^thirteen'bishops, ’ :^ ^® fn knights and ten t • «,»1 - i••raf.ii'
Frederick Madden terms them, wa^er^.Torbimg t ^ •^^erials- of six
or more sets.^The costume ©f these figures iskvgr} cleHi&yvdfihued. T ic k ings
a » represent^.-with large spade-sbappd^bealrds and witn^^ustaches; their li«Ur
falling in plaits -over $he shoulders. 11“ . , 1' tn I u f «i ii- "bn I In ir
heads; and; their dress consists qtkan upper axict'an. und£r robe, the ^former *o£j
wliiflfa ('th'e^mantle. -cldrkvs) is thrown inV&hM S K ^mt* left arcff,"and ’jet-n open
righflfside as high ,as the ?shoiilder^ ^ ere?^if- isWpi6^Mk.fe>|mkclasp{i.
EacliSof ; the figures holds a sword v nliTh rlf -lu ml-* *“ r ■-- .bJtsfii} ■ .nothin \ .
sit on ‘ chairs of a square
carvedg^Wte queens are similarly r Seated fur? (hail->, ands CioTujjSr: pnjt% of
them holds' ip- heryJhand'va 'drinkingWrn;,fa peculiar attribiite^of’the queens
them^lhnfe, p - n , ill H t«» the u irjioiy 1 her
husband’smfflfet. Of -the bishep^ some,atp^pafedf^jand^Stners* inJ a standing
posture^ The knights are • onj-hoi^eBack; w hil^ tli^odks represent warriprs
on* fo'offpwith the lingularj kite-shaped shield^ Aihicfi? was qsedpk the twelfth
centiSty|:£ one of them is ||k t yotit, of a whale’st*^pbth.M*Sir Frederick Madden,
who has -given’a detailed andtlearnp^a^copnt-of -them, with'many figures,-
in|one( of the,^volumes of th^'ikrchamlogia'SBg ^ ^ p tliat they -were'made in
Icelarid. The’.originals are nbw'mithe- British Museuhd-X
The Mref figure' is taken from - af'chessman- same' material preserved