p k f .1 N Gr
fec&Mut'y, ■'.*
ptKh.Jbish- 1
ops and.
h & ffrn b n f c d :
in themselves
tbe j
ral barons
Kamjjminis- I
I \\ hat was
diuubS ■vs.i'. "a -.
claimed a feudal superiority of all the kings and princes of
the earth; and it''mshops-.had tluir cisth^ 'J^n^on* d bva^tigijql
aimmSdtipcndantf', and t gpg. d*. the nr .jinni_( 4'’into th(nhehh in
M^feifious tfo n t e n tio'ns.,b t l ' i e different j> rd(t ,f-11i;l e.J
?^Kj5,n>v<il5ij)'o'vver was frequently at war w ( ^
-4ptfivfa,-fin. fact, ut'fcp nl y ; ini p
■jgM^^dgcth(T, andisaccording tfj^uln^ei r c i >r n st h!t
t^ ^ hurch defended itself openly J H the sword, or by the no
less!r(perhaps more) effectiye ’warfare off
TK&vdJrect war betw eon "< fjurc li andj^ state' in la^tc d more than
began withyl^ illiafu,Ilufus, who rfhw^^to mknowledge tbe
pope P^t forth inf
thelpcf'UiKpT Asf^diif; and continued with little
'first Edward forced?-, the
p iu ^ v to pa\ Tims During .this long period,
th e!?s..r^ a^ ^S ttp lordinary person amongst the
.great eharnpinrij'of the church, ill its claims to
t h w . I s ^ i l l umms'jBecket, Archbishop
^"Canterbury, V)fy#l^pirtaf remarkable memo*
ria l' iiVipresM’yed' - in the series, of Vestments
wh|||fSre Represented iff this and the following