^K^coiimti^men have" longiSfogen used tu: point out, as
the reprcsontati\l||ol ^the English chivalry of former
days',1vthe .'gallant son ^Kthojl third Edward, the prince
whom his father rf^fem]po 'salutjr as the victor of
I 'Crocv. jfeg.vtl'-ppi'' .period of this great and < decisive
battle |g€th .August, llllH il Prince Edward was only
I sixteen years ^ of > age {Ayer
vtho Prince'» fy^fiale^yiof the ostrich-feathers*
v^tth the Sejrye), th^-,'Spoils.^ of-ia king^Tohn
[ of BohpMfe);|'who was slain^m' the action. ’{Jy-u,^ Io^fi^Etiward
gained'lafe)th’^ g r e a ’t^vilglCT^g the memorable 'JuVRe^pfrPoitiers^ in
which .Wl$ king ofA France ";was made prisoner,'„and was brought,
j§W thp^prinyife't’to England. < A^few^year-j a t rcnfemcpt br-alriius^^^^gcntcred
R a th e - fdnwjK purpose oCreptayinga. Pedro IV.'^on his h^tgihnQnp^aaijd added
» t h e mrmhegof his exploits;alloih> r,.\ i r*wi*ni~_i Minpri 1 _nv In lh^e v a r in 1B7&,
^Edward waS*'compelled *f||l| sickness toi return- to England.*#P’uring the peace
H^yhidi lasted through the remainder of his 'father’s ':geigh)yr?he 'ihdre&ed' the
B v e . which the English )*p.p6ple had j ^ e r ^ ^ m ^ towards him, m ^ advocating
|J|>pular ' measures of state! • The sorrow was great - and' universal," v^pen their
Sa^oUrite" prince died on the ,8 th of Iffiunc^fejgJ 6, at 'fth^’tage ,dfcforty-§ix. pie
»■as l|pried^with great pomp in- Canterbury Cathedral, where his monument
B id effigy still remain. Pie isi l l l i l l -renresente'd in armour which 'ditfers but
Kittle from that in- whic| he is dad im p a - h ^ g g j j f . k i n g
^Slowed his son to, the-grave ,
■ ^ffis^lalter' portrait' ofllhe Black ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p |iom g tl^ |^ ^ ^ ff iiiiitiiig ,