The shield of the knight is not given in the picture, but on.this-and the;
preceding page- we give two shields from other sources. ‘ The. fixstBieid is
taken, from à MS. of the twelfth century, in the Royal Library ât Pari-, ;
is of that narrow kite-like form which 'prevailed from the time of th§' Mrman
eonqfuèst till, at least the reign of Henry II,. of England. < The form fcf M
shield then underwent a gradual change very similar to that Experienced Iffl
the gothic window at a later period ;, the bow became wider andlwider, and
the arch, flatter,, until at last it took the form which is still given to it ilkcoats
of arms. The shield at the bottom of the present page is copied from apculp-
ture on the portal of the cathedral of. Nôtre Dame at ;^y^re^,p^pf^£Lted[ 8
th|: twdfth century, and-is much broader in shape,- than'the exampleKiven
above. ;
The Initial Letter is taken from MS.’ Arundel, 5N0. 91 fitj tIip- if Jhvjj
Museum), and belongs to the same period as the King .and Knight.