strengthened''., blppams facffi .that tA^hhiw dnfcrfptiona itf/Gj^^Bcharacters sJ
found;^fe^ia&ën^ of sevèral robes \tIll'pro c^cd,,\vhien?]j®mg(!d to
German 'and- • Frankisbfvbarons o f'th e tenth and eleventh f e n t u r i o s . I
pecuharity ofrthe armour-of our Spanish warriors is the rqu/id^dii(fidr -v i th fffl I
elegant ornaments onvth^^tóéJ - We give ih^the-margin a ’epècjmen Óf Kie of
fhes_q> shields on a largerif^^&^^pm" another par-t -of *’th'£ manuscript fra
which j'hefe'jlffdres arg^taken:"';
JfbS!' manuscript which has furhrihed’ tljese fi£nïè^||^ï^,'A,d;diti^, Jfi
11,695)“' fe Tone gpfrthe jnost ‘valuable of ;the treasure! rafthat kind^rfeently I
g^u&ed-'^>w-the1 British Museum. It is.Ta l^jg^lMi^^^^ÉHi^MfesMPtutiil
staf&^df .preseiwatiön,‘-'mntaining a' comment, qpon and . inJefjJreMtioh j|>f f i
jij^ealypse,' that fruitful source of sSpigfi : her "the medieval" .artists^" It vraj
execut^ 3 in the monastery of'pil©ï& in the diocese of 'Burgos (’Ol^t^i'-tm
Itaying 'brasn r'begun-' underiÖ^e- ahhotfolïorin^pM^Mri( d ‘ on after •, his death
during the abbacy ö^lSPunnuSfl^tüiêk)^ and* cóniplêted ,fr',ih^^w^)WabbofJ
John, in -the year 1109.',jg^msriTffrrniarion^ypt^obt,aiT) from ^tlïjjj.iina'nïïm i i
itself ; and as it thu» appears to* hayè’'Occupied not loss than tv entsascars in
writing and ihuminating, -ifefmay v ith prmiripty eorgid(Tv nn9
the ,costame*;óf. the latter part of th^célcv^tli'cehtuïy.,* tffnsIsntfmgBLnt wl
purchased in 1840 hy the truches ol the ruiti^h Afij-jpuiii (MgSe^snite dl
Survilliers (Joseph Buonapaxte.^S
The style of the drawings in this man muf ijïtV-i !. mej f -h; dJ' Aijijar'eifi ce. The
elegance of the ornaments’-contrasts strongly'voitli-^®' • hnA ilful| fi^^,egp’ in fra
designs of men and animals, a? cirbumstanc < v hit jas? % trail -.3Ü i 1 u1 iaace
among the" Arabs to drawing- ^gn^fondTln inn-Tjêinn ^iyjnxarif^^T'i-cts a
valuable, monument of art, #S3|uproVSs chririy n ^ jhtrrc oufM^whiMi B -r
T*#iëpn the’Moors and the Christiaiw imjSJpaiii.* yfliroahhout5SaF^pninie the
architecture of the buildings is^altogetKeri^Moori^h-v-the vails cohered
arabesque ornaments, and the remarkable, horseshoe ■’,jarch£3;appea-f£qh^pos{
every page, and show the accuracy of the term vBdifléemc adoptédAwarchi-j
tectural writings. The character of the-'ornamented initial letter^, oijplapch an
example is given at the-beginriing of" tlm’^resbitflaytible,' bears a '‘Cblse'Besein>
blance to that observed in many of our Anglo-Saxon manuscripts of^^^pOT
■ One of the most interesting groups in this volume, is that representing H
minstrels, or jongleurs; given at the foot of the preceding page. They Bropeat
to he dancing on a kind of wooden stilts," There are many reasons fm ally
porihg fbalTthe character of the. minstrel, as it existed .in Christia|]£'-Bpop£
during the twelfth, and thirteenth centuries, was of Arabian origin, -as gij
without doubt many of the tales and stories which they, were in -thS n abit of
rehearsing; and'these figures of. Sp'anishr jongleurs,-so completely oriental ®
their appearance, are a valuable addition to our materials for The'ffMistoiy <*
'that singular class of medieval society.
Our plate is taken from folio:.;223f of the hainusoript just described; pj
shield and sword belong to a large ill-drawn figure on folio 194; th^^festrels
are from folio 86; and the initial letter from folio’ 25.