The initial at' the commencement of the present arfime^J#";taken fifbm a
large MS. BibhÇof the twelfth cintury, ^ ^ in dispossession qf^;Me&srs:©!mt('
and Fosse, and represents a favourite O bject.' in tlî^iüOiÿm&ati'ons wfo mat
pmodfUfe conïbat between David/apcf- the giant^oliâ^r, The
the.foot of the'same jfa'ge, from the Musée delgMonuniens F r a n ç a i s , of
the twelfth century.
: Theflffo musicâl instruments represented below aje 'conieddrom,
<on the-portal1 of the cathedral of Notre-Dame'a t.Chà^'rggjha^d-.arés-.^^ ^ ^ ^elfth