d e - c u k e , ïdvrl op, Glo u c e st er .
|ffl|gLygra\ in a; f i«,, taken from a series of
:of the windows
of the Abbey church of Tewkesbury, representing
different members of .the noble
■. patrpng.fof that
All the Earl ^ " c e S t e r b f this family
W 5 Î^ 7 ?x2 i .1 :t |i ''J'ï.iViM' nj^li>r . ili> parts
the ti'oubfecl events of
1 1 Le^t earlier
bnmjîc^^^^topsé^,eî^i^4mguishe d ,by
their ai’W'ir^n tho/d^n^ler.v ars against the
^Ræestear one of the principal barons who took up arms
■ B iô t Kingrjflm,;'tiTid was one of the twenty-five appointed to enforce the
Sérvanc- ^ f ^ ^ Great Charte remained staunch
a H ^ o s ^ .'tili.'he was ta k e i^ jg H H H Lincoln, while fighting under the
^ponial banner. Ilis'Vbn'j' Rif hard declare \\ as |jl|faffl l‘irm -■upportfr otitlioj
Màgna Cfiàrta,-- and a staumh th(‘ barons.’ lie died
M a is o n g ® H | and was succeeded mos^
l l i brated personage . ’^Ile was at^^^fc1 an extremely zealous
p^tizan of S im o n « a J n B ^ n g tf f f lifd part Ip th e
battlemÊ Lewes, whore | | | *km&' *5$. into, the power of
th^vietorious bgrongv, After that battle. h the power and
influence MjjUSimon de Monÿfort, and ;wqnt ox© to the party of the king.
His- desertion of the causé, "^andy ils royalists, mainly
ffiqught - on the disaster at '‘Æjfëgham,' in which HStieSâ commanded, -a
division of 4h^ king’s army. The purious.-oleL^ong^in An^g-SJorman, on
that- battle points him out as the ‘^mhl|)aLcauhe\‘QE^tp | barons’- 'defeat on this
bheasion is aH
“ ,Sire Hue le fer, ly Despencer,
tresnoble ju-ti(,e, t
Ore' est à tort'lyvré àiÀ’ojt; -,
a'trop iiklç’ftuist?.
Sire Henri, ^pjir veirjetdy,
‘ ,fîtzflè
•' Autres assez, come vus orrez,
par le cueüs dé, Grloi (,culre.”
Wright’s Political Songs, p. 126.