found on the walls of Stephen’s Chapel at ^èsimihster, which^^as furnished
us w ith the portrait of his royal father,,Edward TIL,'^already B e n .
Prince Edward^i?eupi^^®e .compartment** of the picture immediately behin d
;|b$t::öf his:.fa&f, and Is, like hrpaf represènl|^kheehng,in adoration l i f e
Virgin,4'wh,o^&»i&e original is* seated, in a larger comp art ment j|pWe^ 1-art of
the figure4 \of-*the, prince, as well as ofïfhosè, behind him, wasemt off im B |
painting1 ¥ y a square place, apparently' suj^jqqpht to the original,-desi^.", ^pd
which^^ffl^tQ have been intended for- thednsqrpi.on of a) 'tM |(-Qr shelf. Tpe
portrait waslprobably ..mad^e about th e time of jbh^ battle of JPoitiers, when Bé.
prince was twenty-six years of age.; and hé is,, acedp,Singly, represented as p
beardless youth, bearing' strong,* traite of. resemblance ^tq his* fa th e r^ Tdis:
helmet, surrounded by a jforqnet,-.resemblës. that .on 'the effigy atVG^iit^bm \ .
Ttv other respects^ his armour yaries but little from thét ;(qf^Èing. E|[^:ard.
He is said to have gained hismame of. the Black Princ^ p y the-.e^ophyof &e
armour which he wore in battle. In oui* painting- he is not so ^d^tingpshB;
but he perhaps did not introduce this peculiarity utm^armour which hajwere
pn pompous occasions, and in which he ,is ii||doubt here- represented. Three
letters only of the-end of his name aref5preserv.eQ..ïat thè'’foöt>Yp f tl^J^ptiirc,
which are a convincing proof that the'mutilations, were,jüa^e’v^aftei it^ .”mi
pletion. . ... ; 7“" • '
. The two figures which wé have given from these curious paintings are both
j^pnaehted in armour. Other figures in them are ^represented :in f e f e g> of
state; and we have given at-the foot .of the preceding page
group, as offering an excellent specimen of the hose an ^ ^ K -woj^fflBjS^ccs
, at the court of Edward III.
The initial letter on the foregoing page Is taken ;from.a, manuscript jgf The
fourteenth century, -preserved in the British MuSeiim.^ibl^'Peg. ||g E . K '
The throne represented on the present page is ta^RFyom ^the-wdL » g h
inumihated manuscript of the Romance of Alexander hr ^^Bndleian library at