He afterwards :returnedVduryfg a
but?fie>'r^aiiied unshaken in ills' fideliffaso the crown|f f i^ a lK E |Eprri If
Edward E, \
The son .'-of
bpir of the family,' ;a|iitiClbe ?perso n* Represented' in our engraw ^ ^ .iHfllcfm-
manded the^lroh'tlof. tl\^ngb?l4^agrjny at the' disa^l~foua^ftttlQtQf!j | ^ ^cM)iirn
in 133®and was slain bn theSfijiLd^i IiL th^IblMivih^'iuJ'^i' jj-'l "im
a curious Latin, song oh this nobleman’s »d&at^i^'whicli he"*i§“ said vtSfiia \ .
perished ‘ by^he treason or cowardice of his -jbpuseh^d ^ ain ^ ^ ^ Sb ®m
■ « w a y t h e y saw him in1- dahgef§?4if .represents him as »engagfd1- apiio^i
^lpit$ against the oveT^helmmg"forees1 of the .eheiffiy;:—
“ Inauditus mgrjijt inter hos<( opflu luv; »
Pritoitus prosiliil ActeiiViiwj&iSi'^rS
'. ^Gomfeffbeu! Gloverni» dang funestos ictus,; .
Assistens in. ade qui fit d.Krdi'c.tus.'
Bic pfidangms hostium'disrupfuKKiit,’'- -
Et virorum fdrtium corpora subegit; __.
- Sed fautor domesticus sibi-quem elegit,
Hie non erat putitus quando factum fregit."'
The few knights who were with him fell by his sidë^jpS
*4 Hii fraude multiplier virum prodiderlmt, < - '
Impia gens Scotica quern circuindcdoruiit;
Ipsum a dextrario stfqqrrogtruverunt, •> _
Et prostrati vario modo cecincrunt. '
Fideles armigeri qui secum fuerunt ;
Milites et cætera^lj%%mi; corruerunt ;
Cum sui guceurrerOjsibi' yohierunt,- ' -
Hostibus resistere tót nou vahïerunj.”
This Gilbert, as it bas been just observed, was ne Kljji(■
GlUim Earls of Gloucester; dmt‘hè had
of whom^intermarried with the royal-fine of ih ^ ^ l^ ^ | anetN anqWMgtgh
them was derived thé claims of the house of York, to ■ the^lllratfe^Bf^ ^ gland.
The windows were probably executed not mahy^years after vth^de^thBf
■Gilbert de Glare on the field ôf Bannockburn,' and' oli-r -engraving'/may lie
considered as a good and authenticexampleof the annöu:^^l-jh^'-P'er^Q^)p)I'
of the beginning of the reign of Edward III.
The initial letter on the preceding page is taken from a fine mangjeript
in the British Museum (MS. Burney, No:’ '275)j writt^ö|and-'.illuminated in
the fourteenth century, and further described in our account of the Triunrphal
Chain hf; Don Marthr of Arragon, It represents, a,school, and is"curious- as a
specimen of the costume of Children in the fourteenth century.