■brought a taper to her altar, tome lighted every dav at ina^q.;when .the g-a‘r|mi( .d
hours rised’tcfbe sund,1 aM |to \h e intent that f or*tlj^tcrr'e^trial li^ p heRght
enjoy that which is“etehi^|fc.
William Longaesp^eid^Pin ,122^‘^ p , ,l©ngvafteT hi* return*^ort/.vjtli(^m-(<.ii
wars. S u r in g his “wandering thd^Quhtess' Ela, like anbtWf fas
persecuted' by-the advhncesfof a -su ilo r^ i^ lf^ a person ths n^ Mugh '* li,
who was afterwards acbdsgd by some ofThaving jjoiftonedbher _hp|b.and< Rcfter
«the Earl’s deaths Ela retired* fbithe abbey,of Lacoek.^w$qji %ne h'ad^ffiifed,
and became abbess of that house, in which ©ifedl|Jier' daugbters^abo .
■ The first William Longuespde was -buried in ;ili^ ^ a d ^ h a p J lffl^K b u ry
Cathedral, whence his tomb with,his. .«remains was ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S b .OTglti# year
1790 to the-place they now oCcupypn the ha\e ’df tl^ ^ i!^ ^ .i^ IIh ^ ffia \ f- a
remarkably fine^pecimen ©f early sealptufe. ^hd^colpfiring’ is •,vev\fFiy(ii
obliterated on the 'more-prominent parts,ibut'a stiificjont Quantity*-.cfl§ (a* 1»
pattern or device* may stiube-traced to* s |^ |^ r ^ ^ p E a i e s • far oHraesen-
tation of it in its original state .
The cut a t the Toot of the nrecedjng>:base-.lep ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ B M |^gier,
and & taken from a painting b f hadiself. ƒ Ci^a^ue.i^j^iilbtf a&
of painting among themodems., He was a; EloreiMinc „ bprnjofiji noble mpm!.
in T240, and died in 1310.« He is said to haw dc amt bus Ta^^ajtAQ|pI( *
painters, invited to Florence by the s€Dafe§£a paint -bn^ea^ ^^MwpHB B te
chorch of Santa Maria Novella.
vOiir initial letter iiTfrom MS. Arun.dek^^p-91. '^Fhe. (VaB^TO^agyeiii an
illuminated M S ^ the Apocalypse ^d3th|^n^>XinThe^plltdu^oi at 3?aris.