invention of tiiat art, in 1410, by Jqhn ab Eyck~
however, it appears to _be merely" êçebiited disfcmper, '-and' washed«'wHi
dôme kind of varnish which' has given it somewhat the appearancb # oil.
J t is painted, on .a brighti^olden ground, and the ' colours * are ektreoeilyKésh.
An engraving was"made. frqmdtixy Hollarr _
Our Initial le tte r is taken from a handsome manuscript „in the, Epfish
Museum, MS. S|QàneJ|l|o, '2435, written earlyym the dourteenA century, BTf
perhaps aji-tne- end ^ ^ ^ e thirteenth. In the .onginak,it begina^thO'^Mter of
ah old medicaL book which treats on the -diet and dress'proper to each of ou
■four"seasons of the year. The four compartments ofr th e letteh'rhpBfifent Bit
manner, of dressing, in each season, The^flrst compartment '‘shows t© ©s-
■tume proper for spring, where a lightih*abe’is throve ovcTi'thb’itimi.of'or|sufli
make and'materials as to be neither ,_too hot -nor too^coldp. ac^ramg do fhe
•prescription of the writer, “ En printens dbjmonfo^ter bi(‘h*ved,ii‘'de.rabcs lei
neisofent ne trop.caudes ne trop froides,« sir Çb,n-db-tyretaines deAfraidçIé<£oii
foiré d’aigniaus.” > Tn the second compartment^rbr'suinmer,.,thei’ outer’ ,®beds
thrown off, and the tunic alpne is left 1 the substance* which thèduth'éh EM-orn-
mends for this season are of a lighter kind,:—^ En esté sginiîffojr^yggst'i r B
robes, froides, si con de dras de Jin, qui sor tps les Autre-»■*0't,i»]u^Jroi^eflRh
drah dehâôié,si con de; cendaf de samit,r dbstammes:’’ M r ^ utuhin* thffi.^Jrm-
dress is recommended as in spring,' but the* outer garment inhere jfihf&cwie
and open, and the cloth is recommended to ho a litthu^c'ôlae/ ].l
Septembresce âoit-ôn estre vestus à le maniéré dou-printens,. mais que li drap
soient un po plus câut.” ‘Thé,figure ‘ in -the fourth .campartpieiiT, h
muffled up, represents the winter dress: “ En yver so.- doit-on ^ ( ‘StirTc ^ ^ ohn
de laine bien espese et velue à bone pennerule- gorpif car^q^ttlL nlu^lamnli
penne c’en puisse trover, u de cas, u de cônins,, u.’çle lieV re-^et ranPmlis
pas ke ces pennes soient plus caudes l!une"de,tl’autre, $n:)Ts& quant.^def' saint
.escaüfées bêle ki a plus grant poil et pliis espés, si tient-plus •.
•;‘-,Tbft.cnt/hKâtow is taken from MS. Harl. No>^07, ôf tîic kftêr b a l f ^ f h i'1
.fourteenth century,