' VTHs repiarkable ornament I'^ .^ 'A }
id d v ^ S iSSMI be |
a daten - l ^ ^ arid vjjjft
flltijjeriod'so litmted/tlik^pf sav-f r resole -\ v i .
mpi{of a n-a^nainc^ yd-'s:yi^c
is the r-inrr r ^ ^ p Jwldf. %$ father-of Alfrrd;^seTyp'rUn the ^ lt^ h Jla«^m,
and tugfaved § § "the Wfcrop.myirig p k t |£ It. exhibits feffimore
^pVof&s ctf',® (iaT l^ ^ ^ e ]Ih r^V ]iQ >
'pdatfei^a the I j p l w I n t e n a k ^ f t n n " i j j i e r f , of ,
-metalr- w feh; S rh tM jB work was perfeo red, ^ { d a s ^ t lm ^ ito '' d etaeM ie
Ytiriousty xs^^hid'jpai'te^bf the dc->ignfr'' In Alfred^ «Jf^®*ftnd a i ^ ^ ’dc..vr'OthiT
'‘Vstah^fe, this result, is, produoed fbv thin%^eonneote(^firlU>t5 y^im+al,^te|^ly.-.
%tta©hedr^^^ie surface, of flte T)late.-:@S^LnoH.'tb g ^ aBgKis -laid; a n d p |;
substance-with which the' lodgment, Qb<> formed T%
Jjji -rather a yitreops paste,lthan a trufscTianfeL, Th(Vmrapansoh« a^rem^k-
able‘ specimen r e c e n tl^ ^ ^ e r j^ J n .d ^ n d ^ a u d ^llpcnfdc^In' Arch^il^ia,
yohxsdx. pb x., is ipsno small detrrf e antoro-tihg bojj&arf jfeaj^^ ffflitdu^
tfonjf of the a^ficem, jKhom Alfred i ^ s l ^ M g " O k
-j^&ta&ysE Alfred’s bje^d presents,'^ a
with three,.branches ;kl t is flat,' and h a s ^ ^ ^ n ? -
chided „that the; ornament^was ^tiijp^ifto be
the design would in that, "case have^l^n
must be sought, which, from o u r?fdeii,<fe^TacipiaiTitaTice^with the porsomil,
_ ornaments of the jjn ^ o ^ « g o n ja n i^ '^M M SBBH^»r; \ Jt jp «H |
~ Our initial letter is taken«fem afgmt&nilicent. inat^ e ripl- bibleijn.'L^hi-
and now preserved.in the BriSpsh Mu^Slli, J f l S l . / A d o i i t i I t
^ia a very large" folio y^nme, consisting of four
of extremely fine vellum, written f e n b ^ n f^ il hi UkjdisthKjt i
double rdlT»m-ns It is embellished^with fmr.large^p.^Fings, and'infinerdui
richly-ornamented initial letters- <<;Oh" tlK;'<re\ er ’e ufrlJV fust do i$fd r o mum Batin
verses, stating that this noble volume was ^adp^nnder the
Alcufej to be presented by him to €hariemagna:4^^
“ Godicis istius quot sint in corpore sancto ^ —
. ; Depict® formis litteriil® variis . _
Mercedes habeat, Christo donante, per tevmfy'
Is Carolus qui jam scribere-j ussit.euox I
• ■ Hire dator ajternus cunctorum, Christe, bonorum
, Munera de donis accipe sancta tuis, .
• jQjfisepater Albinug, devoto pectore .supples, ~
Nominis ad laud® obtiiMt ep3e'£ui,,
> Qu$m tim.pcrpetuis eonseryet dfextra^ebus
fit felix-wetun rivat fo'wm poK* *
Pro'me, quisque legas versus, orare memento,
Alcbuine dicor egd;| ru sine fine vale 1
This Bible was bought by the British Museum in 1836 for the sum of seven
hundred and fifty pounds^ A full description and history of it by Sir Frederic^
. Madden will be found.'fe me Genj^eman’s Magazine for 1836. •.