Usiha village I. 172, 173,
176— 178.
Usimbi village III. 334.
Usmau I. 178, 191, 203.
Usneae roqss III. 262.
Usoga country I. 217, 291.
II. 138, 158, 163— see
“Wasoga” .
Usongora district II. 245, 257,
'292, 298-7-299. III. 116, 318.
IV. 87; Meno III. 127, 128,
162, 260.
Ussi Hills III. 211.
Usuguru Island I. 216— 218,
222 — 223, 314. II. 165.
Usui country I. 250. II. 208,
292, 307.
Usukuma I. 20, 152, 168, 177,
179. i 84, J91) I92> 208,
226, 246 — 247, 259, 267,
27°) 3*5- HI. 21.
Utambara II. 335.
Utaturu country I. 153, 168.
Utikera, village III. 320.
Utiri district I. 210.
Utotera slaves III. 166.
Utumbi islands II. 295, 299.
Uveriveri, jungles of I. 138,
139, 157, 177-
Uvinza district III. 4, 9, 17,
24, 30, 90—91, 182 - see
“Wavinza” .
Uvira I. 28. III. 4, 106, 318.
Uvitera Island III. 216.
Uvuma Island I. 227, 229—
230, 241, 291. II. 82, 93.
Uwya, ancient country I. 291.
Uyagoma district II. 310.
Uyanzi country I. 130. IV.
48—49, 232.
Uzige district III. 4.
Uzimba district II. 252, 254,
298. III. 147, 169, 173.
Uzinza country I. 291. II. 233.
Uziri Island II. 164.
Uzongora country 1. 280—281,
289, 291. II. 36, 53, 71,
Uzura III. 116, 117, 119— 120,
V e g e t a b l e s I. 172. III. 4,
91, 155! beans, vegetable-
marrow,peas II. 213; yams
II. 213. III. 3, 155. IV. 97,
101; sweet potatoes II. 213.
III. 3, 91, 155, 280. IV 212;
tomatoes II. 213. III. 4;
onions III. 158. IV. 97,
182 — see “Cassava” .
Vegetation of Zanzibar I. 37,
45, 5 3 ! Mpwapwa I. 122—
123; Uyanzi I. 136; Usukuma
I. 171 — 172, 177;
Ururi I. 209; Buka I. 234 -
235; Uganda I. 257, 271;
Musira Island I. 287—289;
Alice Island I. 295; Refuge
Island II. 35; Central Africa
II. 187, 189, 213— see
“ Botany” , “ Forests”.
Verbenaceae III. 362.
Victoria Nile I. 23. II. 77,
86, 159, 209, 300 — see
“ Nile” .
Victoria Nyanza — review of
previous explorations of I.
3, 19—25, 76, 103; sighted
by the Expedition I. 182 ;
camp at I. 185—,186; preparing
for voyage on I. 189,
195— 196; fables regarding
I. 196; start on I, 198; circumnavigation
of I. 199 —
240, 275—316; crossing it
on return to Uganda II. 21
— 72. III. 24, 84, 109, 325.
IV; 26, 115, 188, 203.
Vina Kya village III. 26 r.
Vinya Njara III. 233, 235,
242, 249, 253, 256, 309. IV.
Vinyata district I. 154, 158,
Violet-tree III. 362.
Viper III. 176.
Vitex umbrosa III. 362.
Volcanic phenomena I. 211.
301. III. 89, 221.
Vultures I. 170.
WA-Bumbireh — see “ Bum-
bireh” II. 46. sqq.
Wabembe cannibals III. 74.
Wabujwe III. 88, 90.
Wabwari tribe III. 73; or
Wasonga Meno tribe III.
"Wadi Rehani III. 231, 275.
IV. 145, 171.
Wadi Safeni III. 14, 109.
Wafipa tribe III. 38.
Waganda, character of I. 245
; —249, 250— 253, 260. II.
83—84, 217—221; dress of
I. 236, 242, 243, 248, 250,
266. II. 78, 80, 202 — see
“Uganda” I. 290. II.. 38;
— tribe III. 102. IV. 230.
Wagansu, plain of I. 213.
Wagenia, or Wenya tribe III,
- ";h 8, 158, 197-
Wagogo, people of Ugogo
!• 137-
Wagoma, or Wabembi (cannibals)
III. 73.
Waguha tribe III. 67, 89, 188.
IV. 2.
Wahha tribe III. 3 — see
, “Uhha” .
Wahuma shepherds II. 48.
Wahumba, people of Masai
4 . 133.
Wahya, Watambara, Wasumbwa,
Waruri, Wakwya,
Wazinga II. 11.
Wahyeya III. 90.
Wajiji, people of Ujiji II. 302.
III. 1 10, 15, 20, 37, 73,
362—see “Ujiji” .
Wajika, or Wamasai I. 204.
Wajuva (people of the sun)
III. 271, 280.
Wakara, people of Ukara
Island I. 192, 207.
Wakedi, people of Ukedi II.
78, 158, 160.
Wakerewe — see “Ukerewe”
I. 291, 295. II. 11— 14,28.
Wakimbu, tribe of I. 136.
Wakinguru, the hero II. 156
— 157-
Wakombeh, or Wabembe,
cannibals III. 318.
Wakonju, people of Ukonju
III. 310.
Wakuneh, hills of I. 212.
Wakungu, or chiefs, of Uganda
I. 248, 258.
Wakwanga dwarfs III. 282.
Walking - stiks, the custom
of sending II. 77.
Wamasai, the I. 116.
Wami river I. 113, 115, 122.
Wana Rukura III. 317, 318,
3i 9-
Wandui, a village I. 178.
Wane Kamankua, camp at
III. 174.
Wane Kirumbu, camp at III.
177, 180, 243.
Wane Mbeza, camp at III. 174.
Wane Mpungu III. 310, 313.
IV. 94.
Wangwana, origin and character
of I. 58—67 ; habits
tending to enervate I. 69.
III. 79 — 82, 84, 85, 86,
120, 125, 191, 230, 273,
M B )