I N D E X .
ABDAL LAH, alias Muini Kib-
wana Vol. III. 164—5, 173,
I75> r 93 \ bin Suliman III.
2, 9— 11.
Abdul Aziz, late Sultan of Turkey
III. 154.
Abed, son of Jumah III. 126,
165, 282; Abed bin Salim
III. 148— 154. IV. 98.
Abrus precatorius III. 295.
Acacia I. 130, 136, 169, 210.
II. 215, 286. Ill, 28, 31,177.
IV. 105.
Achatina monetaria III. 172,
174; fossil shell III. 283, 295.
Ajawas, Universities Mission
fights with I. 96.
Akalunga, village of slavers
III. 52.
Akanyaru Lake II. 289, 295,
Akida II. 3.
Albert Nyanza II. 74. III. 255.
Albinoes IV. 198,
Alexandra Nile River (Kagera)
I. 34, 278, 280. II. 71, 197,
198, 213, 271, 273 — 275,
. 283, 287, 288 — 290, 291,.
295, 300, 304, 308, 310—
3 11, 346.
Alexandra Nyanza II. 310, 311.
HI. 355.
Ali Kiboga IV. 193.
Alice Island I. 289, 293—296,
310, 312.
Almass, king of Uganda II. 143.
Aloes I. 289. II. 286., IV. (05.
Alsassi I. 143.
Amina, wife of Kachéché IV.
Amoma III. 168. IV. 87.
Amphibia IV. 14 — see “Hippopotamus”
Amu-Nyam villages III. 272—
273, 280—281.
Anacardium occidentale IV.
Andrew of Zanzibar II. 253.
Angels, Mtesa’S curiosity concerning
II. 104— 106.
Ankori district II. 74, 163,
I7 L 251.
Antari, king of Ihangiro I. 299.
II. 7, 40, 47— 51, 54—55,
5 7—5 9 , 63, 70, 179.
Antelope I. 170. III. 39, 104,
136, 308. IV: 55, 165.
Ant-lion I. 288. III. 264.
Ants I. 287. III. 136, 155, 177,
263, 3° 5 - H | 3 7 i white ants,
for sale III. 155.
Arabs, of Zanzibar I. 55, 58 ;
colonists in interior I. 56—
57; at Kafurro II. 276—279;
blackmail levied from II.
330; at Ujiji II. 347. III.
x—3, 7— 11, 80; opinion in I
Uganda ofll. 105, 107— n o ;
Mirambo and the Arabs II.
3 2 5 ; suffering from the Ruga-
Ruga III. 29; traces of on
Kasenge Island III. 68; their
depots dangerous to African
travellers since offering opportunities
from desertion
III. 84; wrong information
obtained from III. 88; Mwa-
na Ngoy’s opinion of III.
Arachis hypogaea IV. 102.
Arms of savages I. 144, 158,
204, 219, 299; poisoned arrows
I. 291— 292; "howitzers”
and Brown Besses
II. 115; red-hot arrows II.
160; iron armour II. 160;
bull-hide shields II. 171; of
Waganda II. 224; ofRuma-
nika II. 302— 3; of Ujiji III.
4; Manyema III. 104, 112—-
113, 155 ; Uregga III. 181;
Uvinza III. 186; of the Ruiki
river III. 204; of the Watwa
dwarfs III. 132, 219—221;
of Bakumu III. 294—295;
of Koruru III. 336 — 337
(Yangambi) III. 340; of Ru-
bunga IV. 2; four ancient
Portuguese muskets at Ru-
bunga IV. 4;. of the Ban-
gala IV. 20; Ikengo IV.
Arnold, Mr. Edwin I. 6; Mount
E. A. II. 251.
Aruko, country of III. 3x1-
Arundo phragmites IV. 12.
Aruwimi river III. 347, 354—
356; flotilla of gigantic war-
vessels on III. 3 4 7—35° !
cannibals on the banks of
HI. 353, 356-
3° 3— 3 10-
Asclepiadae III. 305.
Ash, African IV. 105.
Ashantees IV. 22, 24.
Asses, our I. 90, *139', 174-
III. 107, 247; Mirambo,
the riding-ass IV. 101,
201— 202; asses owned by
Wahumba I. 133.
Astaboras I. 14; Astosabos
I. 14; Astapus I. 14 —
"tributaries of the Nile.”
BA-AMA, a tribe III. 282.
Baboons II. 292. III. 177. IV.13.
BabwendeTV. 90, 96—98, 103,
, 104, no, 117, 127— 131,
155, 163— 165; Western
Babwende IV. 178— 181,
195, 214.
Bagamoyo I. 81, 82, 113, 116.
III. 80; B. a good starting-
point for the interior of
Africa I. 87 — 88; Notre
Dame de B. I. 99.
Bakongo tribe IV. 5, 178.
Bakumu, a tribe III. 294,
296—299, 318.
Bakusu, a tribe III. 166, 206,
214, 215.
Bakutzi, or Wakuti, a tribe
III. 282.
Bald Mount III. 70.
Balearic cranes IV. 13.
Balaeniceps Rex IV. 13.
Balsamodendron IV. 105.
Bandits of Africa —see “Mirambo”
, “Watuta” , “Ruga-
Ruga” ; the b. of Ndereh
III. 32—33, 35, 3 7 ! °f Ka-
tavi III. 37—38.
Bangala, “the Ashantees of
the Livingstone” IV. 18—
25, 97- 98-