Nux vomica III. 88.
Nyama “ meat” III. 183 sqq.
Nyambarri village, halt at II.
3 iS— i 6-
Nyangwe I. 34. III. 12, m ,
119, 122, 136 — 38, 141 —
' l 42 > 145. i 48 ! 1 5 0 , 153 —
456, 157, 161, 166, 175, 179,
188 — 190, 194, 242, 354.
IV. 64, 98, 246.
Nyassa, lake I. 30, 95, 97.
Nyika, king of Gambaragara
II. 244, 245. III. IS9.
Nymphaea III. 362.
Nyungu, chief I. 136.
Nzabi IV. 9 6 ; district IV. 97,
1 0 3 , 10 9 , i n — 12, : 16 —
1 1 9 , 1 4 9 , 1 6 4 .
Ob ser v a t io n Island I. 210.
IV. 20.
Ocean, canoe IV. 20.
Officers— of R. N. IV. 239—
240; Danae, Industry and
Seagull IV. 240; Pachumba
IV. 250; Tamega IV. 238—
239; Kabinda IV. 229;
London IV. 247.
Oil-berry tree III. 362.
Oil and oil-nuts, palm-oil and
butter III. 3, 4, 5, 9i, 106,
139. IV. 96, 117, 230.
Olive IV. 105.
Onions IV. 97, 182.
Ophthalmia I. 132.
Orchids I. 289, 295. III. 177,
Organization of Expedition in
England I. 1—9; at Zanzibar
I. 68—86, 102. III.
25^6, 81, 137— 38, 199,
243. IV. 79.
Ornithology 1. 153,170; cranes,
ducks I. 142, 153, 170.
-?V. 13, 40; field-larks I.
170; fish-hawks I. 170.
III. 215; flamingoes I. 170.
IV. 13, 40; geese I. 153,
170. III. 28. IV. 13, 2 7 -
guinea-fowls I. 170. III.
151; ibis I. 170. IV. 13,
40; jay I. 153; king-fishers
I. 170. IV. 13 ;. parroquets
I- *53 > plover I. 153; snipe
I- 153- IV. 13; spoonbills
ft r5 3 i 17° ; vulture I. 170;
pigeons III. 151; birds III.
69; diver III. 70. IV. 13;
fish-eagles III. 70, 215;
parrots III. 99, 155, 215,
316. IV. 70, 188; Balae-
niceps Rex IV. 13; marabu
IV- 13; egrets IV. 13; pelicans
IV. 40; stork IV. 40;
whydahs IV. 40; bird-lime
&c. IV. 7 6—see “Chickens” .
Otter III. 308.
Outlet of Tanganika III. 13—
Outlet of Victoria Nyanza H.
76—see “Ripon Falls” .
Owindi, a fragrant berry III.
4 3 -
Oysters III. 326. IV. 2.
Palms— Cocoa-nut I. 46 ; Guinea
palms III. 2, 4, 91, 106,
361. IV. 117; oil-nuts and
oil III. 3, 4, 5, 106, 139.
IV. 96, 118, 230; wine III.
18, 91, 98, 106, 155, 214,
279. IV. 8, 32, 96, 112, 127;
date-palms III. 13, 262, 310 ;
Elais palm III. 20, 256, 262,
310; Hyphene palm III. 310;
fibre of III. 345, 349; young
palms III, 262; Borassus
palm III. 32, 361 — see
“Doum”, “Borassus” .
Pangani river I. 212.
Panicum grass. III. 147, 2x7.
Panza Point III. 73—76.
Papaw III. 1, 68, T58. IV. 106.
Papyrus II. 73, 2x6, 237, 242,
273, 286; “Funzo” II.287.
III. 24, 60—61, 67, 75, 362.
IV. x 2.
Para III. 55—see “Mompara” .
Para, guide III. 16, 36, 43, 75.
Parroquets I. 153.
Parrots III. 99, 155, i 72, 2I5>
316. IV. 76, 188.
Peasants, or Kopi, of Uganda
II. 118, 188— 192.
Pelicans IV. 27, 40.
Pemba I. 52.
Penguin, ship I. 30.
Pennell, Rev.. Mr. I. 97.
Pennisetum reed-cane III. 312.
Pepper III. 309.
Phrynium III. 217, 362. IV.
Phunze, chief II. 330.
Physical geography — see
“Plains” , “Rivers” , “Mountains”
, “Bays” , “Islands” ,
“Lakes” , “Capes” , “Falls” ,
“Channels” , “Watersheds”,
“Volcanic phenomena” , “Cataracts”
and “Rapids”—
“Meteorology” .
Physic-nut III. 362.
.. igeons III. 151.
Pigs III. 155, 202. IV. 93.
Pike III. 326. IV. 164.
Pine-apple, wild I. 210, 289,
Pipes I. 134.
Pistia plants III. 235, 362.
Plains and basins—see “Kita-
ngeh” , “Luwamberri” , “Mi-
zanza” , “Niranga (? Vi-
riyata)” , “Monangeh” , “Ru-
fiji Salina” , “Shahshi” , “Tubugwe”
, “Uhamba” , “Uya-
goma” , “Wagansu” , “Wa-
gassi” .
Plantains, gigantic HI. 131,
Pleurisis III. 218.
Plover I. 153.
Pocock, Edward, engaged I.
6; at Zanzibar I. 77—78;
bugler of the Expedition I.
105; with the Expedition
I. 107, 132, 139; taken ill
at Suna I. 145, 147! deattl
• of I. 148—49.
Pocock, Francis John, engaged
I. 6 *, at Zanzibar I.
77 — 78; with the Expedition
I. 78, 117, 132, 139;
at his brother’s death-bed
I .146— 148,154; stockading
camp against Wanyaturu I.
1627 sights the lake I. 182,
186; at Kagehyi I. 191,
198, 3x6; at Barker’s deathbed
II. 2; visits Lukongeh
II. 8, 19—20; in charge at
Refuge Island II. 34, 36 —
37; at Mahyiga II. 50; in
council II. 60; — III- 83, 139
— 140, 143—4 5 ) l86> t 90>
197—98, 201, 209, 230—32,
236, 248—251, 297, 330—
332> 349) 366. IV. 20—21,
47, 52, 61—65, 67, 71, 81,
86, 89, 90, 98, 102, no,
116— 17, 119, 123, 138,
139^-14°). *4 4— tSSi in
Memoriam IV. 157, 159—
161; Pocock Pool IV. 161—-
162, .175, 226.
Podostomaceae IV. 164.
Poisoned arrows I. 291— 292.
III. 186, 220, 223, 230, 273.
Pokino II. 195— 198.
I Poli, Poli I. 72 —see “Shauri"