Kamiera, Chwa’s son II. 142.
Kamiru, king II. 179.
Kampunzu III. 182—84, 187.
Kangau I. 244.
Kaniki cloth I. 145.
Kankindwa III. 56.
Kankore III. 281; (Kankura)
III. 282; river III. 285,
Kankorogo Island II. 286.
Kankumba, camp at III. 147—
48; island III. 41.
Kantamba settlement III. 36.
Kantentieh Point III. 43.
Kanyera beads I. 146.
Kapata stream III. 46.
Kapembwa, natural tower III.
48. ,
Karagwe I. 192, 291. II. 72,
2 74 — 3° 7 ; (king of) III.
190; lakes of III. 24.
Karamba cape III. 73— 74;
island III. 256.
Karara Island II. 298.
Karema district EU. 38.
Kariba river III. 174, 267.
Karindi, or Kionga, district
III. 169.
Karinzi cape III. 66.
Kasansagara river III. 75.
Kasenga river III. 56.
Kasenge I. 19; island I. 27.
III. 67, 68, 83.
Kasera district III. 260. IV. 87.
Kasimbu district III. 7, xo, 22,
Kasindula, the hero II. 136,
175—76, i 79i 185.
Kasinga village II. 290, 346.
Kasheshe, king of Uzimba I.
Kashongwa I. 137.
Kasita II. 298.
Kasongo I. 33. III. 123, 158,
Kassanga, chief III. 87.
Kasuku III. 257. IV. 51.
Kasuma inlet III. 31.
Katadzi “guns” III. 271.
Katavi spirits HI. 86.
Katanga III. 144.
Katekiro of Uganda I. 243
— 244. II. 166; victories
of IL 183.
Katembo interpreter III. 265,
273) 275) 279) 293, 307) 3 *3 -
IV. 17.
Kateyé, natural tower III. 48 ;
spirits IH. 86.
Katonga river I. 277—78.
Katumbi III. 275.
Katutwa, king of Utambara
II. 500.
Kauta of Uganda I. 244—45.
II. 80, 208.
Kavala, Kirindi,, Kivizi, islands
III. 69.
Kavi river I. 211.
Kawa Bay and river III. 45;
Kawangira district H. 341.
Kawé-Niangeh, chief III. 56.
Kawelé, village of III. 78.
Kawendi, hills of III. 27, 30
— 31, 32 or Tongwé HI.
Kazaradzi Island II. 37.
Kerengé Island I. 233.
Khamis bin Abdulla I. 67;
son of Hamoida II. 15 ; the
Baluch II. 347. III. 80, 248.
Khonko, chief I. 131.
Kibaga, the flying warrior H.
Kibamba, dry bed of river
HI. 62.
Kibibi, natives of II. 164.
Kibogora, king of Western
Usui II. 304, 308.
Kibonga I. 278.
Kibugo of Uganda I. 260.
Kidudu Peak I. 114.
Kiganda language I. 219, 237,
Kijaju, king of. Komeh H. 29,
Kikoka, camp at I. 107, 122.
Kikoma, camp at n. 236.
Kikombonor Chikombo I. 125.
Kilolo IV! 190, 194-
Kimera, the giant II. 142—43.
Kindevi, Island I. 207.
Kingani river I. 106—7.
Kingfishers I. 170. IV. 13-
Kings of Uganda II. 185; of
Ukerewe II. 12'.
Kingwana language I. 219;
custome of I. 248.
Kinoza, chief of Kioga III. 76.
Kinsembo, port of IV. 129.
Kintu, chief ofMowalV. 127
see “Legend of Blameless
Kinyamwezi language I. 219.
Kinzale IV. 183.
Kinzau, port of IV. 128.
Kinzore IV. 176.
Kioga, place III. 76-
Kipembwe river III. 267.
Kipendi Point III. 39.
Kipimpi cape III. 52.
Kipingiri, chief ofLutaril. 199-
II. 2, 3,, 3°) 33-
Kirando, bay of HI. 40.
Kirango, one of the Wangwana
I. 301.
Kiregi islands I. 206.
Kirembo rembo (lightning)
III. 221.
Kiringi Point III. 72.
Kirudo, camp at I. 236.
* Kiruji cape III. 74-
Kirungwe, or Castle Point HI.
44—4 5 - K
Kirurumo, fighting at i. 136)
Kishakka, island of H. 180,
284, 298, 306; -trib eIII.3.
Kisorya, camp at H. 19.
Kisui-Kachiambi HI. 222, 224
— 226.
Kisuka, point I. 26.
Kiswahili language I. 237.
II. 106.
Kitagwenda II. 298.
Kitalalo, chief of I. 129, 13I)
Kitangeh I. 116; — basin of
I. 116.
Kitangule river I. 23. H. 273.
Kitari, royal sepulchre at H.
Kitaro Island I. 203.
Kitenteh Island n. 93, 163,
Kitete, chief of Mpungu HI.
t ! 7-
Kituka, or market HI. 154-
Kitunzi of Uganda I. 244.
Kiumeh, or Chiuma Nanga,
chief in. 49.
Kiunyu village III. 75.
Kiussi, camp at III. 170-
Kivanga, peak of III. 28.
Kivu lake II. 296.
Kiwa Island I. 233) 24 !-
Kiwandare mountains II. 292.
Kiwesa, district III. 33» 35-
Kiwyeh, chief I. 43 y
Kiyanga n. 275.
Kiyanja ridge III. 64—66.
Kiyanzi, dialect IV. 4 9 -
Kizambala, place III. 89, 104,
Kizinga, bivouac at n. 287-
Kiziwa St 273, 292.
Koki II. 236.
Kokira, chief of Mtosi III. 42.
Komeh I. i 9 2- 2^> 233-
Konduchi I. 21, 81.
Kongo (Congo) I. 34> 2fi7-