Tugurambusa ridge III. 338.
Twiyanzi II. 210 sqq.
Typhus and typhoid fever I.
147, 173. III. 218.
UBAGWE district II. 330.
Ubangi district IV. 33, 35, 97.
Ubembe district III. 65, 72.
Ubi, or Eybiteri, Falls III.
Ubujwe country III. 88—go,
Ubwari Island I. 28; country
HI. 4, 74, 76.
Uchambi district I. 189, 208.
Uddu, hills, of I. 277 — 278,
291. II. 197.
Ufumbiro mountains II. 289,
Ugalowa, or Lualaba river
III. 159.
Ugamba country I. 218, 222,
Uganda, history of II. 136—
186; stay in I. 241—274.
II. 73—242;. chiefs, of II.
84; army and fleet of II.
83— 85, 94—96; kings of
II. 185; districts, subject to
II. 212, 248; life and manners
in II. 187— 228, 229—
231, 268— 273. m- 4, io4>
116, 144, 186. IV. 127,
164 —see “Waganda” .
Ugarowa river III. J27, 128.
Ugeyeya country I. 195, 211 —
212, 215, 291.
Ugingo Island I. 211— 212,
Ugogo country I. 124— 125,
130 , 13 5— 1 3 6 , 147, 150,
153, 156 157, 273- IV. 4.
Ugoi district II. 290.
Ugombo (lake of) I. 120, 123,
Ugoweh I. 214.
Ugoy district III. 2, 7, 26, 78.
Ugiifu country II. 308.
Ugttha I. 28. III. 4, 13, 20,
67, 83, 88, 188. IV. 2, 108.
Ugungu district II. 77—78.
Uguru III. 6.
Uhha country II. 289, 308,
335. III. 3, 6, 9, 16, 21,
30, 65-
Uhimba lake II. 304, 306.
Uhombo, village and district
III. 93— 95, 98, 103, in .
Uhumba, plain of I. 127.
Uhyeya district III. 90.
Ujaju district, or Bujaju I.
Ujiji country I. 19, 25, 26,
30, 33, 56, 73, 192, 267.
III. 2, 4, 6—7, 8— 12, 15,
20, 36, 59—79, 83—86,
in , 141, 144, 154, 158,
192. IV. 252.
Ukafu, district in Uganda I.
233; bay I. 241.
Ukamba (peak) I. 116, 239.
Ukara (island) I. 192. 207.
Ukaranga forest III. 4, 6,
26—27, 82.
Ukassa III. 211 214; rapids
III. 288.
Ukataraka village IV. 5, 12.
Ukedi country II. 138.
Ukeré, river and district IV.
9, 24.
Ukerewé country I. 20, 26,
195, 204—205, 208, 3 1 3 -
see “Wàkerewé” .
Ukimbu country, ór Uyanzi
I. 130.
Ukioba Island III. 333, 335-
Ukombeh village II. 327.
Ukongeh market III. .215.
Ukonju country, land of cannibals
II. 297.
Ukuna district III. 220.
Ukusu district III. 129, 154,
224; cannibals of IIL 257;
river III. 327.
Ukwya, district of Ukurewe
I. 206.
Ulagalla, old capital of
Uganda II. 143, 234.
Ulambola Hills III. 22, 26, 31.
Ulcers III. 207, 218.
Uledi, the coxswain II. 26,
27, 30. III. 205—206, 209—
210, 212, 218, 230, 231,
237, 240, 255, 299—303,
323, 366. IV. 79 —85, 104,
106, 116, 121— 123, 124—
.127, 146-147, 149—153,
159, 168, 176, 192, 203,
210, 216 — 219; 224—225,
Ulimengo, “the joker” I. 70.
Umangi district IV. 9.
Umbiru Point I, 239.
Umvilingya IV. 80, 81.
Ungomirwa, chief II. 330.
Ungufu rapids IV. 185.
Universities’ Mission, history
of I. 94—101, 263.
Unjaku headland I. 277. II.
94 -
Unya-Nsinge town III. 222,
224, 226. -
Unyambungu country II. 296,
Unyampaka country II. 254,
Unyamwezi country I. 66,
153, 210. II. 318 — 319.
III. 4, 119. IV. 164.
Unyangwira hills I. 130.
Unyanyembe, district in Unyamwezi
I. 57, 95, 136, 167,
Unyoro country II. 163, 172—
173, 209. III. 24, 116,
192, 244, 318, 325.
Uplands I. 135 sqq., 150, 166.
Upoto ridge III. 364. IV. 2,
24, 98.
Urambo, or Uyoweh, capital
and district of king Mi-
rambo II. 326.
Urangi, series of villages III.
192, 195, 273. II. 7, 72,
234, 3 25- III- I2, JI5, *57,
224. IV. 5 — 10, 18, 24.
Uranja village III. 224.
Uregga, a forest land III.
128, 136— 137, 162, 169,
170— 171, 180— 181, 187,
283, 311, 352. IV. 63, 95,
98, xoi, 175.
Urenge, Ulenge, lake I. 32.
Uriambwa, the land of the
tailed people II. 297.
Urimba I. 27; camp at HI.
28, 30.
Urimi, district I. 137.
Urindi III. 127; river III. 222,
260, 266, 355-
Urirwi Mountains I. 181.
Urondogani district I. 22, 159.
Urundi country II. 289. III.
4, 6, 65, 76, 77, 154.
Urungu village III. 20—21, 66.
Ururi country I. 195— 196,
200, 208 , 209, 291— see
Usagara country I. 115, 121,
124, 291.
Usako Ngongo market IH.
Usambara district I. 208.
Usambiro district II. 3x7.
Usamu Island I. 225.
Usanda I. 172.
Usavara camp I, 240, 242,
257, 272. II. 81.
Usekke, village and district
I. 130.
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