MABIBI islands II. 22.
Mabruki I. 70—71. II. 3. III.
139 — 14°) *4 7 , 184, 279,
280. IV. 84, 126, 247—248.
Machenche village I. 130.
Machunda, king of Ukerewe
II. 15.
Mackenzie, Bishop I. 95, 97.
Mackinnon (Mr. William) IV.
Mafia islands I. 52.
Mafitte—see “Watuta”.
Maganga, chief of Rubuga
I. 167., II. 340.
Magassa, the. messenger and
admiral I. 237, 242, 270,
276, 293. II. 6—7, 52—53,
193, !95— J9 6, 264.
Magic, and magic doctors &c.
I. 134, 156, 168. II. 13,
112— 113, 126, 131.
Magomero, mission at I. 96.
Magu Hills I. 191,'! 201, 208.
Maheta,, 0» Mahata, country
I. 214-^216.
Mahonga, chief III. 75.
Mahyiga Island, eventful stay
at II. 38.
Majid, Prince I. 75. II. 183.
Majita, Mount I. 207.
Majwara, Pocock’s servant
III. 114. IV. 122.
Makindu river II. 77.
Makokomo (island of) III.
41—42, 55. . ,
Makongo, ill-treatment at I.
281, 285, 293, 310. II. 71.
III. 186.
Makubika village, camp at I.
(or Meruzi) river
II. 310, 313—314, 327, 3 4 i,
344. III. 26, 29.
Malewa, chief of Mtiwi I.
Malofu, palm-wine III. 98, 106,
155, 214.
Mamboya, village I. 116.
Mammalia—see “Zoology” .
Manassa, heights of I. 181.
Mangala IV. 5; savages of
IV. 29, 42.
Mango (wild) IV. 105.
Mangroves I. 213, 224. III.
320, 361.
Mangura, village of 152—153.
Manikoos, &c II. 338.
Maniop—see “Cassava” .
Mankoneh, chief of the Be-
teke IV. 64.
Mankonno IV. 33.
Mankorongo,- king of Usui I.
250. II. 7, 208, 314— 315.
Mansau Falls IV 181.
Mansumba village, camp at
II. 345-
Mansur bin Suliman, an Arab
of Bagamoyo I. 93,104,109.
Mantis III. 263.
Manufactures III. 294 — 95,
327, 3 5 1> 52. IV. 96—97;
of Ujiji III. 4—-5 ; Msamba
III. 43; Ubujwe III. 89; of
Manyema III. 105; Ny-
angwe III. 154-^-58; Uregga
III. 181; of the Livingstone
III. 214—-15.
Manwa Sera, “ Captain” I.
70—72, 103, 140, 164. II.
4 , 36, 41, 60, 258. III. 12,
209—210, 246, 288., 300,
306, 350. IV. 20, 23, 71,
81, 96, 103, 108, 116, 121,
124, 136, 143, 146, 159,
162, 167, 220.
Manwana, chief of Mowa IV.
Manyanga, district IV. 128;
market town IV. 205, 2x4.
Manyara, cones of I. 216.
Manyema III. 8, 110— 111,
147 , 155, 158, 166, 173,
183, 221, 355; forests of
III. 100.
Maoorugungu, sub- chief II.
Mapota river III. 52.
Marches, average of I. 186.
Marabu storks IV. 13.
Maramba (plantain-wine) III.
Marenga Mkali, or “ Bitter
- Water” , wilderness I. 124,
> . 125.
Marera district III. 154.
Marimbu, camp at III. 146— 47-
Markets—Ujiji III. 5; Msamba
III. 43; Ubujwe III. 89;
Manyema III. 106; Ny-
angwe III. 154— 57, 37 *—
72; Uregga III. 180; of
the Livingstone III. 214 sqq.
“Mars of Africa” II. 321—
... see “Mirambo” .
Marsawa, peak of I. 175.
'Marungu, mountains of IIL 54.
Marunja districts III. 6, 21.
IV. 5, 24; warriors of IV.
X5— 17, 9 8-
Marya, camp at I. 180.
- Marzouk, the boat-boy-I. 312.
III. 301 — 304. IV. 102,
. 125, 148.
Masai land I. 212.
Masaka, village inUdduII.197.
Masansi, coffee of III. 140.
Masari, a village I. 172, 178.
Masaro, currency bead III. 5.
Mashakka I. 201.
Masonga, hilly point I. 207. 1
]V)asr (Cairo) I. 192, 263; 268.
Massassa and Massasse IV.
132, 136— 137, 142, 144—
163; Point IV. 140— 143;
Falls IV. 205.
Massi - Kamba, sub - chief of
Fipa III. 38.
Masuku, fruit-tree III. 88.
Masumami, chief of Kitalalo
L, 131.
Mata river IV. 184, 187.
Matabeles I. 337.
Matagera, left captive IV. 193.
Matembe Point I. 205.
Matete (water-cane) I. 210,
235, 258. III. 60.
Matonga, or custard-apple
III. 88.
Matongo, small district I. 152.
Matunda Falls IV. 181.
Maturu Island III. 221.
Mawembe village III. 343—
3 44 -
May angira village II. 327.
Ma-Zombe village III. 45.
Mbala, port of IV. 128.
Mbelo village IV. 153; ferry
IV. 169; Falls HI. 170—
Mbembu (wood-apple) III. 88.
Mberri tribe IV. 5.
Mbinda, chief of IV. 202;
valley of IV. 213; village
of IV. 197, 214; ridge of
IV. 215, 218.
Mburri, camp at III. 211, 282.
Mbwenni, site of mission I.
46; bluffs of IV. 245.
Mdanga cape III. 70—71.
Meginna (place) III. 162, 186.
Membe, murdered II. 31.
Merure (Lake) II. 291.
Meruzi—-see ‘Malagarazi” .
Messenger of Teddington I. 5,
Meteorology — see “Rain” ,
“Wind”, “Hail” , “Thermometer
readings” , “Storms”
— “Rise and fall of rivers”
IV. 114, 162.
2 C2