Koruru district III. 334, 339,
344) 354-
Kudu (antelope) I. 170.
Kunda river III. 147 — 48,
154) 163,-168, 267.
Kundi village III. 89.
Kuneneh group I. 207, 313.
II. 22.
Kungwe cape III. 30, 65— 66;
mountains III. 30; peaks
III. 30; future of HI. 31.
Kurereh, chief of Kyenzi II. ,
3) 33-
Kutumpuku district IV. 40.
Kwango river III. 356. IV. 164.
Kwaniwa’s village III. 89.
Kyanga ridge III. 66.
Kyogia river II. 235.
Kyozza, king of Northern
Uzongora n. 71, 179.
Kytawa II. 48—49, 68, 179,
Kyya Kamba, island III. 311.
LABORE, scene o f L. de Belle-
fonds’ murder I. 211.
Lady Alice, lines of I. 5; remodelled
I. 77; en route I.
104; equipped for the lake
I. 189; on the lake I. 199
—II. 75; on Windermere
and the Karagwe streams
II. 284—290; the Rapids
IV. 82, 83, 86—88, 149;
the boat, on Tanganika
IH. 5 5—7 7; repaired III. 156;
on Lualaba III. 156, 187^
188; on the Livingstone
III. 188—IV. 199; abandoned
IV. 200—201.
Lady—birds III. 263.
Lakes—see “Albert Nyanza” ,
“Alexandra Nyanza” , “Beatrice
Gulf’, “Bemba lake” ,
“Chad” , “Ihema lake” ,
“ Kamalondo” , . ^‘Kivu” ,
“Lake Victoria” , “Lincoln”,
“Luampula” , “ Merure” ,
“Mkinyaga” , “MutaNzige” ,
“Karagwe” , “Rweru” , “Si-
vue” , “Tanganika” , “Ugom-
bo” , “Uhimba lake” , “Usu-
kuma” , “Victoria Nyanza”,
Lambo village III. 89.
Landolphia IV. 105.
Language III. 4—¡see “Dialects”
Laurel—tree III. 114.
Lawson, Mount II. 242.
Leehumwa I. 126.
Leewumbu river I. 151, 154—
155) l66, Wi-
Legends, superstitions &c. of
Lake Victoria I. 196— 197.
II 37; of the Blameless
Priest II. 136; geographical
fables II. 295—302. III. 47.
IV. 130, ri34”“ I3 5 > I54y
158— 159.
Legends of the Lake III. 6,
15—21, 86; of the forest
III. 136— 137) i89) r9Q-
Lemons III. 68. IV. 80, 97-
Lemur III. 17 7 ) 288, 308.
IV. 13.
Leopards H. 81, 163, 236,
317. III. 136, 172, 173,
260, 352, 365.
Leopold river III. 258, 309.
Leprosy II. 289. IV. 198.
Levy Hills IV. 40.
Liende village .III. 49, 50.
Lightning IV. 116.
Liliaceae III. 362.
Limes (sweet) III. 68, 158.
IV. 97, 182.
Linant Island I. 239.
Lincoln lake III. 142.
Lindi I. 98.
Lions I. 113, 118, 127, 141.
II. 163, 236. III. 260.
Lira river III. 222, 266—67.
Liuché river II. 346. III. 6,
22, 26.
Livingstone, Dr., death I. 1 ;
funeral I. 2; explorations
of I. 24—35, 69, 70; with
the Universities’ Mission I.
95—97) 160, 250; Livingstone
canoe n. 234; the
“ Livingstone” river I. 29
—34. III. 8, 15, 16, 27, 28,
42, 50) 55) 72—73) 76, 85,
101, 106, n o , 122, 142,
143, 183, 215; the river
(as the Lualaba) III. 156—
188; as “the Livingstone”
III. 188.
Livingstone Falls IV. 58.
Llianes (bridge of) I. 204, 210,
289. II. 215, 292. III. 177,
Lo Bengwella II. 338.
Loanda IH. 356. IV. 52, 238.
Loangwa river I. 30.
Locusts, lake of III. 116.
Lofuku, Lofu orRubuku, river
HI. 55-
Lohugati river II. 309, 313.
London Town (canoe) IV. 20.
Long, Colonel II. 183.
Lophira alata IV. 105.
Loranthus III. 362. IV. 105,
Lords of the cord II. 162,
202, 207, 208.
Lotus III. 50.
Lowwa, or Rowwa, river III.
262, 269, 289, 294. IV.
Luajërri river II. 76.
Lualaba, Luapula I. 31. III.
82, 87, 106, 107, 117, 120,
121, 144, 147) 1 5 4 ; on the
Lualaba III. 156— 188; the
name merged in the “Livingstone”
III. 188.
Luama river III. 89—-90, 91,
99, 106, 107 ; river and
valley III. 116—118, 120,
158, 266— 267, 3 54—355-
Luampula’s lake II. 295.
Luapanya, chief of Wahika
III. 215.
Lubangi river III. 91.
Lubugwé river III. 31.
Lugumbwa Creek I. 114.
Luhola in Usongora II. 298.
Luhye-ya ridge III. 118.
Luimbi, Luindi, Ruindi or Lu-
kuga, river III. 64.
Lukalu Point IV. 181.
Lukanjah II. 21, 28, 30, 34,
43) 65, 67, 69.
Lukoma, chief II. 258.
Lukongeh, king of Ukerewé,
furnishes canoes II. 8, 9;
life of II. 13— 18; Mtesa’s
alliance with II. 233.
Lukuga creek III. 56 — 59, 67.
Lukuga “ river” III. 13— 14,
20, 65, 67.
Lulamba islands II. 94; natives
of II. 164.
Lulindi river III. 120.
Lumami river III. 127 129,
282; or Young’s river III.
291, 294, 356.
Lumba river III. 64—65.
Lunangwa river III. 55.
Lupassi Point I. 281.
Luru, or Lulu, river III. 266.
Lusizé I. 26.
Lutari cape I. 199- H- 2i 3>
Luwamberri, plains of, and
river I. 169— 171, i 77-
Luwegeri, orLuwajeri,“mother
of the Lukuga” III. 20, 28.
Lynx II. 163.- à
v o l . rv. 2 C