Date. Name of Country. Name of Station, Village, or Camp.
November 5 Manyema Nakasimbi ..
6 Uzimba Mpotira..............
8 Uregga Kianga, chief Karindi .............
!, 9 V Kiussi .. .
!) II )> Mirimo..............
» 13 Wane-Kamankua
). 14 Î) Wane-Mbeza . . . .
»■ 15 Wane-Kirumbu
» ' 17 Uvinza Kampunzu . .
») 19 Wenya Rukombeh’s crossing of the Livingstone
river .,
Mouth of the Ruiki river .. ..
I iqIA
N.N-E. Travelled over a fine rolling plain; crossed one
' stream flowing east.
N. z[i E. Crossed two streams flowing into the Kunda, then
entered Uzimba district and the forest land. Two streams
flowing west were crossed, and we entered Mpotira.
/N. I/» W. In the forest land of Uregga; crossed two streams
| and two short ranges.
N. I/a W. Crossed two hill-ranges in the fbrest land. The
Kunda rises just east of KiusSi.
YN. by E. Crossed the forest land, passed over a range,
I and crossed four streams, the two northernmost being the
( Rugunsi and Rumuna rivers.
IN. J/4 W. Crossed the Kariba and two other streams flowing
\ W. In the forest land.
[N.W. Crossed the Kipembwe and a feeder of it flowing
[ W. .In the forest land.
N. In the forest land. Crossed two streams flowing W.
Deep ravines intersect the forest land. To the N. and
N.E. a world of dark wooded hills and ranges covered
with a constant cloud of mist and vapour.
N.W. In the forest land. Numbers of hills and dark ravines.
Natives all cannibals. They even decorate the
streets of their villages with the heads of the eaten, laid
in rows, chimpanzees' or gorillas alternately with human
skulls. It appears to me more womeh have been eaten
than men.
W. Here terminates the land journey.
N. by W. J/i W. N. I/2 W. N. ma E. Current of the
Livingstone 1 ?/4 knot per hour; breadth, 1200 yards.
Obtained casts of lead 4 fathoms. Ruiki is a black-water
stream 100 yards wide at the mouth; 1 knot an hour
current. Entering great river from left bank. People of
both banks hostile and wild.