I. 130. III. 263; “dragon’s
wood-tree” III. 362; Ede-
mone mirabilis III. 362;
Elais palm III. 200, 214,
256, 262, 310; Encephastos
Aldensteini III, >362; Eschi-
nomenae I. 210. III. 69,
362; Euphorbias I. 136,
179, 210. II. 286; Euphorbia
antiquorum IV. 105;
fan-palm III. i 7 7 i ferns HI.
177, 262, 362. IV. 105;
Ficus elastica I. 257. III.
177, 187, 262, 325. IV. 168;
Ficus kotschyana III. 361.
IV. 104;- Ficus sycamorus
IV. 76; fig-trees I. 235. II.
213—214. III. 7^i 92—see
“Ficus” ; guavas IV. 97, iq6,
182; Guinea palms III. i,
91, 106, 361. IV. 117; gum-
trees I. 130, 136, 210, 257.
II. 213, 215, 286. III. 262,
3 3 4 , 361; gum IV. 133;
Hyphene palm III. ' 3 1 °, 3 2 7,
3 4 5 , 3 4 9 , 361; Ipomoea
IV. 87; iron-wood III. 200,
225; jasmine I. 289; Ja-
trophe curcas IV. 105; Ja-
trophe purgans III. 362;
Landolphia florida IV. 105;
laurel III. 114; Liliaceae
III. 362; Leianes I. 204,
210, 289. II. 215, 292. III.
177, 262; Lophira alata
IV. 105 ; Loranthus III. 362.
IV. 105; mango IV. 105;
mangrove I. 213, 224. III.
320, 361; Matete I. 235,
258. III. 60; Mimosa I.
171, 210, 289. III. 177;
Mucuna pruriens HI. 262;
Mvule II. 215. III. 1 7 7 ;
nux-vomica III. 88; Nym-
phaea III. 362; oilberry-tree
III. 362; olive (wild) , IV.
105; onions III. 158. IV.
97; orchids I. 289, 295.
III. 1 7 7 , 262. IV. 105;
“owindi” III. 43; Panicum
(grass) III. 147, 2 17 i Papyrus
antiquorum III. 262.
IV. 12; pepper III. 309;
Pennisetum cane III. 312;
Phrynium ramosissimum III,
168, 217, 362. IV. 87; pineapple
I. 210, 289. 295. III.
i 55, *58.' IV. 97, 105, 182;
Pistia stratiotes III. 224,
235> 362! Proteas IV. 105;
Raphia vinifera III. 155,
177, 262; red-wood III.
225; Rubiaceae. III. 173,
225, 262. IV. 105, 135;
Semicarbus anacardium III.
362; Shea butter-tree III.
361. IV, 104; spear-grass
I. 210. III. 177; Sterculia-
ceas IV. 195; “stink-wood”
III. 225; Strelitza vagina
III. 362 ; sicamore II. 30,
215. III. 70; Tamar Indica
III. 361. IV. 105; teak I.
289. II. 2x3. III. 32, 70,
200, 262, 361; Usneae moss
III. 262; Vallisneria III.
362; VerbenaCeae II. 35.
III. 362; violet-tree III.
362; Vitrex umbrosa III.
362; water-cane I. 210,
295. III. 170—see “Canes,”
“ Creepers” , “Crops” ,
“Forests” ,“Fruit” ,“Grains” ,
“Gums” , “Palms” , “Papyrus”
, “Potato-plant” , “Rattans”
, “Tamarind” , “Tamarisk”
, “Vegetables” .
Bridge Island I, 2x3, 214. '
Broad-tailed sheep III. 4.
Bubeka IV. 5.
Buffalo I. 170. II. 181. III.
33, 39, 88, 202, 308. IV.
13, 43, 55-
Bugavu, village of II. 71.
Bugeyeya, island of I. 230.
Bugomba.II. 53, 56, 206, 256,
260, 261, 262; punished
II. 269—270.
Bujaju—see Ujaju.
Buka Bay I. 234—235, 236,
Bukhet, “the pilot” I. 70.
“Bull” I. 9, i ° 7- H; 3 i 6—
Bull-frog III. 264.
Bumbireh Island I. 289, 296,
297 — 309, 31°, 3 X4 - H.
39— 69.
Bunga district IV. 33,
Burdett-Coutts Islands I. 208.
Burning of Shakespeare IV.
X3 1-
Burrup, Rev. I. 95, 97-
Burseraceae IV. 105, 133 see
■ “Gums.”
Burton, Lieut. R. F., ‘On thé
Nile’ I. 13 — 16, 16 — 17,
18—21, 25, 26, 27, 28,35.
Burton Gulf III. 74, 76-
Butunu IV. 33.
Buyramembé, headlands of III.
32, 26.
Bwana Abdallah HI. 164, 223
see Abdallah.
Bwana Abedi III. 135, 137 ■
see Abed,
Bwana Shokka III. 165.
Bwena, village IV. 32.
Bwera, ^country of II. 236.
Bwina, chief of II. 36.
CALAMUS.secundiflorus II. 344.
Cameron, Lieut. Verney L o vett
I. 28—29, 33—35, 95,
265—267. in. 13— *4 » 5 2,
57 — 5 9 , lo6> i 22— 123,
141, 142.
Cameron Bays III. 52.
Camp at Nakaranga n. 91—
9 2-
Camps — see “Itinerary” in
Camwood III. 215, 262, 356.
“Candleberry” -tree IV. 105.
Canes, reeds, sedge, grasses,
sugar-cane, cane grasses &c.
II. 216, 273. HI- 27, 3 1,
36, 38, 53—54, 60, 61, 63,
64, 67, 75, 91, 100, 101,
117, 118, 161, 162, 186,
263. IV. 12, 13» *9 9 > grass
huts III. 92; grass cloth
IV. 62 ; Panicum grass in.
147, 217; papyrus II. 73,
216,'237, 242, 273, 287.
III. 24, 36, 60—61, 67, 75,
263, 362. IV. 12; Calamus
III. 344; spear-grass I. 210.
11. 237, 242, 273. m. 177;
Cyperaceae m. 263. IV. 13;
water-cane I. 210, 295. III.
60—61, 69, 1 7 7 ; water-cane
settees III. 172; Pennisetum
canelH. 312; rattans, rattan-
cane III. i 77, *86, 262,
292, 336, 361. IV. 12;
cables of III. 301. IV. 68.
Cannibals II. 297. HI. 73, 86,
90, 136, 185, 193, 2° 7> 222>
257, 271, 289, 309, 342
343, 352, 359- IV; 6-
Canoes of Ugamba I. 218—
219; of Waganda I, 236,
242; Mtesa’s, at Sesse I.
276; Lukongeh’s II. 17—
18; foundering on the lake
II. 23—28; “the Hippopotamus”
II. 30; of Uganda
II. 52— 54 5 Bumbireh II.
54; Waganda war-canoes
aB *