Polombwé cape III. 48.
Pombé I. 190, 193, 194; “test-
beer” II. .199— 200.
Pomegranate III. 2, 68, 158.
Pongwé (cones of) I-. 113.
Ponta da Lenha IV. 232.
Pontoons I. 5. II. 235.
Population III. 6.
Potato-plant, traditions of II.
139, 248, 322.
Prices of food I. 179.
Prideaux, Captain I. 84.
Prime minister IV. 242.
Primitive man I, 217.
Proctor, Rett. Mr. I. 95.
Products III. 278, 327, 366—.
367. IV. 2, 8, 9, 44, 80, 96—
97, 132^-133, 182, 213—
214; of Ujiji III. 2—-5, 8,
73,. 9 1, 99, 106; Nyangwe
III. 154— 155; ° f the
Livingstone III. 214, 217,
279— 280, 295. IV. 8—9,
32, 61,■70..'
Proteas IV. 105.
Puff-adder III. 176.
Purvis, Captain IV. 240.
Pyramid Point J. 203.
Python III. 176. IV.. 50.
R A B B A I Mpia, mission at I.
Rain t. 126, 135, 151, 169,
209, 223, 229, 296, 298,
311, 314. III. 38, 58, 265,
267. IV. 50; on Livingstone
river IV. 1134416.
Rain storm III. 262. IV. 50.
Rainy Season I. 127, 128,
131. II. -8, 341, 344.
Raphia vinifera III. 155, 177,
' ,262.
Rapids III. 207— 211.
Rattans—see “Canes” III. 17.7,
185, 262, 292, 336; cables
of III. 301— 2, 361. IV. 12,
68. Red buffalo III. 308. IV. 13,
4 5 , 55-
Red wood III. 225.
Reed—see “Canes” &c.
Refuge Island I. 312, '313. II.
29, 34y-36.
Rehani IV. 17, 121.
Reptiles—crocodiles III. 24,
231, <265, 363. IV. 3, 21,
27 y boa constrictor III. 136;
viper III. 176; puff-adder
III. 176; python III. 176.
IV. 50; water snakes IV.
76, 164; monitor IV. 14.
Rhinoceros I. 144, 174. II. 291,
295, 304—5. III. 265.
Riba-Riba, chief III. 111 — 113.
Rinda river III. 354.
Rionga’s island II. 77.
Ripon Falls I. 22—23, 275,
280. II. 76. III. -323..
Rivers—see “Alexandra Nile”,
“Arnold” , “Aruwimi” , “Ben-
net” ,: “Black” , “Colorado” ,
“Congo” , “Chunyu” , “Ed-
win” , “Elwala” , “Gezeh”,
“Gordon” , “Gori” , “Gogo”,
“Goma”, “Gombe”, “Ibari
Nkutu” , “Ikelemba”, “Iri-
ngi ” , “ Iron do ” ‘ Izangi ”,
“Kabogo”, “Kagera” , “Ka-
handa” , “Kankoré” , “Kari-
ba” , “Kasansagara” , “Ka-
senga” , “Kátonga” , “Kavi”,
“ Kingani” , “ Kipembwé” ,
“Kongo” , “Kunda , “Kwango”
, “Kyogia” , “Leopold”,
‘ ‘ Liwumbu ” , “ Liuché”,
“ Lira” , “ Livingstone”,
“ Loangwa” , “ Lowwa” ,
“Lualaba” , “Luama” , “Lu-
bugwé”, “Lubangi”, “Luajerri”,
“Luindi” , “Lukugu”,
“Lulindi” , “Lumani”, “Lum-
ba” , “Lu ru” , “ Luwegeri” ,
“Makindu” , “Malagarazi” ,
“Masonga”, “Mata” , “Mico-
co” , “Mkindo” , “Mkombe” ,
“ Mkundi” , “ Monangah”,
“ Monbuttu” , “Mshala” ,
“ Mtambara” , “Mukon'-
; dakwa” , “Munulu” , “Mwa-
nakilunga” , “Mwerengo
Nile” , “Ngyeyeh” , “Na-
gombwa” , “ Nawarongo” ,
“Niger” , “Nile” , “Pangani” ,
“Rinda” , “Rovuma” , “Rua”,
1 “Ruana” , “Ruarowa” , “Ru-
bumba” , “Rufiji” , “Rugum-
ba” , “Rugunsi” , “Rugufu” ,
“Ruguku” , “Ruiki” , “Ru-
mani” , “Rumuna” , “Rung-
wa” , “Rusango”, “Rusizi” ,
.“Ruvuvu”, “Rush-drains” ,
“Rwizi” , “Sagala” , “Sanku-
ru” , “Shimeeyu” , “Tubug-
we” , “ Ugalowa”, “ Uga-
rowa” ,“ Ukere” , “Urengo” ,
i “ Victoria Nile” , “Wami” ,
“Welle”, “Wenya” , “White
Nile”, “Yaryembi” ,“ Young’s
river ” , “ Zambezi ” , “ Zed-
ziwa” .
Robert IV. 251.
Rock Bluff Point IV. 195.
Rock salt I. 12o.
Rocky Island IV. 72, 97.
Rosako, village of I. 112;
camp III. 80.
Round Island Falls IV. 81.
Rovuma river I. 30, 95.
Rowley, Rev. Mr. I. 95.
Rowwa—see “Lowwa” .
Royal Geogr. Society I, 17,
18, 21, 23.
Rua I. 31, 56, 67. III. 14, 20,
88, 123.
Ruana river I. 203.
Ruanda, empress of, country
of IV. 277, 289, 295, 307;
district III. 87, 317.
Ruango, guide III. 13, 16.
Ruarowa (Lualaba) III. 221.
Rubanga, village and chief
III. 364, 366. IV. 4 — 6,
10— 11, .18, 21, 28, 98.
Rubaga hills I. 239, 258—260,
Rubata “ cauldron” IV. 185
Rubeho (cones of) I. .124.
Rubiaceae III. 173, 225, 262.
IV. 105, 135.
Rubuku, or Lofuku, river III.
5 5 -
Rubumba, or Luvumba, river
III. 76, 88.
Rubuti, village of I. 114.
Ruemba, country of the Liemba
lake III. 56.
Rufiji river I. 53, 69; delta
I. 81, 125, 130.
Rufuvu river III. 49; and
plain, described by Dr.
Livingstone III. 50.
Ruga-Ruga bandits III. 29,
Ruga-Rugapj-see “Mirambo” .
Rugedzi-Channel I. 205. II.
12, 19.
Rugomero, king II. 179.
Rugufu river III. 32, 35.
Ruguku river III. 43.
Rugumba river III. 86—89,
Rugunsi river III. 174.
Ruhinda, founder of Ukerewé
II. 12; son of Rumanika
II. 306.
Ruhinga settlement III. 36.
Ruigi, king of Uzimba II. 252,
I Ruiki river III. 337. IV. 51.