year 1747, and is now the ftaple of the county of Angus. In
t773> 4,488,460 yards were ftamped ; the price from fourpenceto
fixpence a yard. Thefe are lhipped for London, Newcaftle, Lem,
Burrowftonefs, and Glajgaw, from whence they! are-fent to the
Weft-Indies and America., for the cloathing of the flaves. To the
fame places are alfo exported threads, foap, ihoes, leather, and fad.
dlery goods. To Sweden and Norway are fent potatoes, and dref.
fmgs of flax; and in times of plenty, when exportation is allowed,
corn, meal and flour. The falmon taken near Brougb-LSay caftleis
fent, faked, to Holland.
In refpeft to imports, it receives from North-America, Rufu,
Memel and Dantzick, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Portugal, the ufual
exports of thofe countries y and from Holland, undreft flax, for §
manufacture of threads and fine linens, pot-afhes, linfeed, clover,
feed, old iron, and madder, for the' ufe of dyers. Such is it!
prefent ftate.
O ld t o w e r The public buildings, antient and modern, are thefe: the mag.
nificent gothic tower of the old church, a venerable and fuperb
building, now Handing by itlelf, giving reafon to every fpeftator
to regret the lofs o f the body, whofe only remains are the choir,
called the Old Kinky whole weft end is crofled by another building,
divided into two places- of worlhip, evidently of a later con-
ftruftion, and probably built out of the ruins of the old : th e laft,
when entire, was in form of a crofs, and, according to Boetbiti,
founded by David, Earl of Huntingdon, brother to William I, of
Scotland, and dedicated to the blefied V i r g i n . This happened
on his return from his third crufade, in which he had accompanied
Richard. I, in 1189, and carried with him five hundred of his connf
- tryma