Aug, 14.
Campbels, by the marriages of three coheirefies, daughters of the
laft Stuart, Lord of Lorn. Sir Colin, of Glenurchie, furnamed the
black, took to his ihare Ifabel the eldeft: difpofed of the fecond
to his half brother Archibald; and referved for his nephew {Colin,
firft Earl of Argyle, then under his guardianihip) the youngeft
Marrate Na Nhaghn, or Margaret the Rhymer.
This county was part of the ancient Ergadia, or Jar-ghael, or
land of the weftern Caledonians, which extended as far as Gairloch,
in the ihire of Rofs. It formed part of the dominions of the old
Scots, whofe kingdom reached from the Firth of Clyde, along-the
whole coaft, even as far as Dungfby head, in Caithnefs *.
Leave Ard-maddie. Ride along a fine road, for fome time by
the fide of an arm of the fea, called, from the plenty of ihells,
Loch-fuchan. Go by a heap of ftones, called Cairn-Alpin, becaufe
from hence the bodies of the Alpiniades, or fucceffors of that
monarch, were embarked for interment in the facred ground of
Jona. After quitting this loch, arrive in a barren trail of black
heathy land, enlivened now and then-with fome pretty lakes.
Reach the banks of Loch-Asm, where that fine water is contracted
to the breadth of about three quarters of a mile.' Am wafted
over in a horle-boat; land on a fpot ftyled Port-fomachan, and
after about ten miles riding, pafs between hills, finely planted with
feveral forts of trees, fuch as Weymouth pines, &c. and reach the
town and caftle of
I N V E S. A R A Y + ,
Seated on a fmall but beautiful plain, on the fide of Loch-Fine.
This had long been the leat of the Campbels. It was inhabited
* Doitor Macpherfon, 334. M In Galic, Inner aora.